Team Building Activities

“The strength of the team lies in the individual, and the strength of the individual is in the team…This is a true win, win, win strategy….”
Team Building is a continuous process. Effective team creation and nurturing helps the organisation to evolve into a consistent unit. The whole process proves to be a success if the team members support each other and work collectively towards a common goal. Team building involves aligning the organisational goals, defining the role of each team member, problem solving and concentrating on the inter-personal relationship of the team members.
Activities to Help Team Building
Activities for Team Building are targeted towards problem solving and enhancing the skill-sets of the team members so as to increase the work output. Different activities have different outcomes. One can start off with an introductory activity and an ice-breaker. These activities can be conducted in meetings, conferences, work-shops and training sessions to mention a few. Such activities have their own set of advantages-
- 1. Improving communication
- 2. Boosting morale
- 3. Facilitating inter-personal relationships
- 4. Creating a congenial work environment
Games on Team Building
A team that plays together understands each other better and this results in better performance. Introducing constructive games in the work environment creates a congenial atmosphere and acts as a de-stressing agent.
Finding the right set of Team Building Games may prove to be a challenging task, as the comfort factor of every team member needs to be considered. Indoor games may comprise puzzles and quizzes, whereas out-door games could be a beach baseball event. The “development forum game show” activity is worth a mention.
Exercises on Team Building
Exercises on Team Building need to be purpose-driven. The exercises must contribute effectively towards team-building, developing strengths and addressing weaknesses. The exercises:
- 1. Enhance skill-sets
- 2. Improve time-management
- 3. Impact productivity
Among the exercises are the Minefield, Running Free, Slice ‘n’ Dice and Eye Contact. Some of the exercises like the, Back to Back Drawing and Survival Scenario help in improving communication.
Ideas on Team Building
Creating a sense of corporate social responsibility ensures Effective Team Building. Add to this an organisational culture, core values and ethics. While building a team is a daunting task, introducing energisers, ice-breakers and activities can definitely help. Clarity in expectations, methodology and a collaborative approach would further facilitate the process of team building.
Team Building Events
Team Building Events centred round to help in morale boosting and increasing team productivity. From a small office party to a weekend getaway, such events help in de-stressing, improved inter-personal relationships, increasing the levels of enthusiasm and energy and the happiness quotient.
A musical programme would go a long way in achieving the desired results. A treasure hunt, which encourages team-work is another great idea.
Ice Breakers
Team Building Ice Breakers are the most effective tool to divide the various members into different teams. They help to create a warm and friendly environment, to facilitate learning and encourage conversation.
The whole focus is on bonding so that as a team, the members function better. An ice-breaker begins with an activity on introduction through a seating arrangement maybe. This maybe followed with an activity to facilitate communication.
Skills on Team Building
A good leader builds a good team. A leader to succeed in Team Management an effective team needs to:
- 1. Have a clear and transparent approach
- 2. An acceptable work strategy
- 3. Motivating and confidence building
- 4. Setting clear goals
- 5. Encouraging cordial relations between team members
- 6. Delegation
Companies on Team Building
People who can efficiently work in a team are much in demand. Becoming an effective team member boosts a person’s self-confidence. Team building is a continuous process and needs close and regular monitoring.
An organisation that contributes towards building efficient teams will become a success story. With teams ruling the roost, companies facilitating Team Building Exercises, activities and events are fast gaining prominence. They have an array of cerebral and physical activities to help increase the productivity of the team members.
Challenges of Team Building
Team building is a daunting task indeed! For the managers or team leaders, it poses a major challenge. The problems faced by Team Leaders are;
- 1. A lack of trust
- 2. Fear of conflict
- 3. Absence of commitment
- 4. Lack of accountability
- 5. Lack of a clear vision
What needs to be understood by a new team is that the goal is the ultimate parameter and the role of each member is decided by the goal. Another challenge that team leaders and even team members may face is a weak link that impacts the performance of the entire team.
Team Building Event Ideas

Fun Events go a long way in building a team. They de-stress and help in team bonding. A short weekend getaway, outdoor activities, an employee holiday programme, group events like, the Green Theme, philanthropic activities, Sports and recreational activities, etc would serve the purpose.
Workshops on Team Building
Team Building Workshops aim at instilling the spirit of teamwork by creating a teamwork experience in a different context. The stress and pressures of daily routine work results in the employees losing focus. A change of context would then be a good idea. Workshops generally collect the details of the employees and organisation and prepare a plan of action, which includes;
- 1. Team-building activities
- 2. Interactive training & exercises
- 3. Assessments
- 4. Role-play
- 5. Facilitated group discussions
Workshops may range from a one-hour programme to an entire day filled with various activities.
Venues for Team Building
Venues for team building may vary from eco-friendly resorts tucked away in the middle of nowhere to beaches and gaming resorts. These Team Building Venues provide an array of activities, function facilities and accommodation.
Beaches are a popular destination for team building, as the vast expanse of sand and sea provide a perfect setting. Retreat houses, adventure camps and private or public resorts are some of the other popular team building destinations.
Questions on Team Building
Let us connect! - that is the fundamental purpose of team building. A connection will ensure smooth work-flow. Questions on team building may be posed as chits circulated in the office, in the form of emails, in a meeting or during commuting. Keep the questions funny and light and not work-related. Some of the Team Building Questions you can ask are:
- 1. Which storybook/cartoon character you like?
- 2. What was your favourite TV show as a child?
- 3. What was your favourite toy as a kid?
- 4. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
- 5. Can you play any instruments?
- 6. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
Team Building Activities for Adults
Adults learn differently as compared to children. The process of adult learning is known as andragogy. Active learning proves to be more effective for adults. Team Building Activities for Adults, each adult in a team should be used as a resource in team building.
Involve each of them in the training activities by getting them to solve a problem. The team leader can start off with an ice-breaker and then move on to the main activities.
Puzzles for Team Building
The employees may be given a range of puzzles and brain teasers and these may be rotated among all the team members. The results should be compiled to judge the performance of the team. Some members are more inclined to mental games and for some, the puzzles may prove to be a challenge. A few popular brain teasers and Team Building Puzzles are:
- 1. Rope House (laying down a length of rope…)
- 2. Wordles & Alphabet Equations (solving a set of cryptic puzzles…)
- 3. Arrowhead Puzzles (assembling same length arrows together…)
- 4. Acronyms (identify them…)
Team Building for Children
Team Building Activities for Children should be fun, constructive and educative so as to help them to get to know each other, build trust, and learn to work together. Practice would further give the team the opportunity to bond and have some fun.
Some popular activities could be creative writing, where they would get to exercise their creativity. This activity would help them learn the basics of time management.
Virtual Team Building
Virtual Team Building- well that too is a concept and an important one at that! It is one thing to create an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie between employees when they are all in the same place. But what about the team members who work virtually? They need to feel connected as well for maximum output.
Technology has made the process of reaching out to the remote teams quite simple. A virtual office tour, shift overlaps and sharing of profiles are some of the tools that can be use.
Fun Group Activities
Fun Team Building Activities are intentionally aimed at developing relationships, improving the dynamics and strengthening the sense of identity of the group members. The Encouragement Game gives a happy feeling, while the Photo Night helps in building friendships. The Grog and Human Knot are some of the other popular fun activities.
Effective Team Building
Picture a team that works seamlessly as a whole. There is healthy competition between the members, work is achieved and the goals are met. To reach this ideal state, certain cohesive steps need to be taken;
- 1. Analysing and Planning
- 2. Building Trust
- 3. Hiring the Right People
- 4. Communication & Sharing of Information
Team Challenges
It is no mean feat to build and sustain a team. The team also faces several challenges in the course of daily work. It is imperative to address the challenges faced by the team, if maximised output is desired. The common Team Challenges faced within a team are:
- 1. Interpersonal differences
- 2. Unhealthy competition and power struggles
- 3. Negative attitude
- 4. Lack of adequate support, resources and skills
- 5. Ineffective leadership
Training on Team Building
Organisations that stress on effective team building exhibit better progress and more profits in the long run. Employees must be imparted Training on Team Building. Some of the measures that can be taken in this regard are;
- 1. Clear overview of team dynamics
- 2. Developing interpersonal skills and relationships
- 3. Conflict Management
- 4. Encourage self-discovery
- 5. Effective leadership
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success….”
Team Building Activities for a Community
Team Building Activities in a Community aim at improving interpersonal relationships, creating harmony and bonhomie among the community members. In a scenario, when several members of a community are strangers, activities like Talk Back, Building Bridges and Ideal Community Member/Community go a long way in breaking the ice and promoting team building in a community.
Team Building for Small Work Groups
Team Building in Smaller Work Groups creates a sense of involvement and a feeling of belonging and being connected. A small team is like a small family, with each member unique in his/her contributions towards the performance of the team. Apart from there being numerous activities of team building for smaller groups, they prove to be more cost friendly and economically viable.
Team Building Activities on Communication
Interactive Team Building Activities for Communication improves the skills and relationships between team members. The Blindfold Game encourages inter-dependence, listening and communication skills. Card Pieces helps in developing effective negotiation skills and empathy and Just Listen helps members to give a patient ear to the others and also freely express themselves.
Team Building Activities on Problem Solving
Problem-solving skills improve the ability of the people to get to the bottom of complex situations, work together maturely, use different thinking styles and commit collectively to decisions. Activities like Lost At Sea, The Great Egg Drop and Create Your Own help in developing analysing skills, decision-making skills and thinking about the problem solving process.
Team Building Activities for Large Groups
Team Building Activities for Large Groups can be a challenge. The idea is to get the team members to collaborate and not compete against each other. Activities like, Urban Trail, Urban Pursuit and Forest Challenge are designed to engage the participants in the process of team building. Approximately 15-300 people can participate in these activities at one time.
Trust Building Activities
Trust building activities instil in people the feeling of mutual respect, openness, understanding and empathy. These activities also help to develop communication and teamwork skills. Blind Walk, Who’s Got a Dollar, Out of Control and Willow in the Wind are some the activities, which facilitate trust building among team members.
Team building is vital for the success of any assignment or project. It is not limited to the corporate world only, but is applicable in any organisation or community. Team building acts as a bridge of communication, facilitates better interaction and interpersonal relationships. It breaks down barriers between different groups and creates opportunities for networks and friendships to develop.
Team building is indeed a daunting task! It requires fortitude, good leadership and clear goals and objectives. If an organisation has to reach the zenith of success, it has to focus on building cohesive teams. A team develops its own identity. It requires constant nurturing and support. Promoting a healthy work environment will benefit the teams, its members and the organisation at large.