Team Building Workshops

Have you gone on to create a Team Building action plan for a project that has failed to take off? You need to find out what happened and who the people responsible for the failure of it were.
1. Expectations of the Team
It helps in identifying the expectations of the team. What one expects from each other and how to improve as a team. One can work in pairs or on an individual level.
2. Strength Building
The objective behind this exercise is to develop group cohesion. The logic behind this practice is that participants tend to develop in self-esteem and confidence, as they recover that their achievements are more than valuable. They appreciate the fact that people want to know more about them, and this can be fun too.
3. What you have Learned
The objective is to isolate social strategies that help to build strong teams. To begin this exercise, the participants need to state their level of experience. Then they need to say collectively on what has been their experience of working in groups.
4. Building Trust
Develop a feeling of trust building within a group. This activity should be used in the initial stages of group formation so that a sense of trust is created. The exercise starts with the notion of what things the group members feel uncomfortable to talk in an open forum.
5. Finding Out the Best Options
It encourages the group members to choose the best alternatives for the organization. The productive teams have a better level of decision making along with productivity. The team is asked to brainstorm and come out with various ideas.
6. Action Research
To focus the team energy on a problem or question. Sometimes teams spend a lot of time on a given problem without having too much information pertaining to it. Define the challenge and split into various groups
7. Stop Doing
In this exercise, the team should focus on the best use of resources to channelize their energy. You have hundreds of things to do on your list, but the main challenge is to work only on those that matter most.
To sum it up most of the best performing teams have a high degree of self-awareness. They are connected to new information, and they have developed a unique identity of their own. One needs to understand on as a team what do we stand for and what is we aspire to become.