Fun Team Building Activities

Team Building activities are a great way to connect your team and work in a better manner. Finding the correct form of exercise can be challenging as not every team is comfortable with all types of activities. It is important that all of us choose an activity that they are comfortable doing.
1. What Makes you Successful
This is a game about understanding each other’s personality and find out what sort of personalities tend to clash. This will help you to determine what motivates, and de-motivates your staff members. How each team member reacts to different situations is also determined.
2. Ideas Which Emerge as Building Blocks
Create a fictional problem and it could be anything that needs a solution. This exercise is bound to showcase the ideas of each member in the group, and the ability of each member to contribute to the group is determined.
3. Barter Puzzle
The group members are divided into equal groups. The exercise is time-consuming, but it encourages creative teamwork at all levels. As a team, you will need to build puzzles.
4. Use What is there With You
The team should be divided into equal groups, and a particular project should be created with explicit restrictions and a goal in mind. With a sense of creativity and problem solving as a team is what the game accomplishes. It also brings about an element of fun to the game
5. Standard Book
This team building exercise does not take place in one sitting but takes formation over a period. It creates a sense of kind of living history that adds on to your business
6. Show and Tell
Most team members are interested in telling others interesting things about themselves, but they are hardly able to do so. Most team members tend to lopsided, and some members tend to dominate the discussion.
7. The perfect Square
Gather the team members in a circle and then each of them needs to sit down. One can introduce variations in the game, and at best one may instruct a team member not to speak. The whole idea behind this game is to encourage the leadership and communication styles.
The above are some of the fun team building activities that can be incorporated into your organizational setup. The whole logic behind this is that with an element of fun the productivity of your organization is enhanced to a large extent.