Team-Building from Scratch for Start-ups

You may have a great idea. But, ultimately, the success of the startup company rests in each and everyone's combined effort. Your new infant company will develop rapidly if all the team members work doggedly. Otherwise, it will collapse like a pack of cards. The history of great companies shows that all the people in a team worked relentlessly towards the success of their companies. They saw and experienced what failure is. They didn't stop there. They made headway against all odds to taste success.
There are certain factors which you have to consider before team-building. Or else even one person is enough to shatter your dream of developing a profitable business. They are:
Employ Right Person in the Right Position
If you have an idea to start an IT company, hunt for people who are good in marketing, sales, Programming, SEO, accountant, and project management. An accountant knows only to prepare accounts. He will not be able to do programming. One who is good in sales may not be essentially effective in finding out different methods of advertising the company's product. So identify positions and place a correct person in the correct place. A correct person in the wrong position may hamper development.
Plan Out
Decide as to whom you should employ first. If you are starting an automobile showroom, employ salespersons first. After that, employ managers to manage them. Finally, employ an accountant to figure out the actual profit made.
Decide Whether to Hire People or Lend Partner's Services
You have to first decide on whether to hire people from outside or to lend your partner's services. If your partner is good at sales or web design, make use his services. If you want an expert advice, don't employ one, seek advice from experts online. It would save a lot of money.
Select Appropriate Candidate
Identify people who satisfy four criteria. You can select a person whom you personally know. It will help you to judge the talent of the person accurately. He should be a person who has a unique talent which other members don't have. He should be a person who puts the interest of the concern first and is ready to accept a salary which is lower initially. Finally, select a person who likes your product. If a person satisfies all these criteria you can select him.
Follow a Brilliant Recruitment Process
You have conceived a new idea, found out partners to support you, identified eligible candidates. Guess what could be the probable step to be followed next? Yes, the actual, hiring process should start. It starts with an interview and ends with the recruitment of the best candidates available. In order to ensure that you hire the best candidates, follow a brilliant recruitment process.
Post Recruitment Procedures
Imagine you have selected the best among a lot of candidates available to you, does the recruitment process end there? No, You have to sharpen the skills of the candidates and help them to do their job effectively. He may have only theoretical knowledge of the work he is supposed to do. So you should usher him to do the work properly by arranging for good training programs and conduct tests to make him understand what are the skills he has to learn to do the job efficiently.
These are the steps to be followed while building a team, from the scratch.