Parenting tips: Dealing with Temper Tantrums in your Toddler

The emotional explosions of a child are termed as tantrum. Sometimes it is very difficult to handle kids, no matter how sweet the child may be or how good a parent is. The best behaved child also throw tantrum occasionally. Your kid might be a little one but it can create a big scene for sure. That is the reason it is not true that kid’s tantrums are the reflection of the parenting skill. Handling the child’s tantrums is a big issue now a day for the parents.
We might feel that the reason for child’s meltdown is for no reason or for a silly one .But there are real causes the child behaves like that. The 2-3 years old child may know lots of words, but as they cannot construct a complex sentence, they cannot express themselves well so that a parent can understand. That is the reason if they don’t get what they want, they scream like anything. Tantrum mainly causes due to frustration, waiting for the things they can’t have ,Wanting independence such as to walk to bush her own teed or to choose her own clothes. We will be helping out here how to handle them without losing your cool and patience.
Acknowledge your Child’s Frustration
Try to acknowledge your child that he/she is frustrated .Look your child into the eye and try to make her understand that you are feeling the pain. Try to ask her what she wants and give your child a chocolate or a cookie. Make your child feel that you are there to help her .It might calm her down.
Try to Make them Laugh
Laughter is always a good therapy for every problem. Do something like singing a goofy song or dancing in a style which can make her laugh. Try to concentrate the ways to make your child giggle.
Try to Distract
Try to distract your toddler to something else. So that she forgets the previous one and can concentrate on new. Try to engage your child in some household work such let us together clean the house or lets we will peel the banana to eat. You can her take her outside of your house for some times , can show her the flowers in the garden .After distracting give her the favorite toys to play with.
Try to Ignore
Sometimes tantrums may be due t the fact that your child is taking for granted that if she screams loud enough ,you will give her what she wants .If you ignore it and don’t react on her action, she may give up. It is suggested that a parents should not give everything whatever the child wants to avoid screaming of the child. Ignorance is sometimes necessary to make you child understand that she want get everything whatever she wants.
Prevention is always better than cure. We need to understand it. Try to understand if your child is having genuine problem. She might be hungry or might be she wants her diaper to change. Try to warn your child if if he does wrong or screams. Drag her to the place she will hate or take her away from something fun like watching cartoon and so on that would prove to be very useful.
Toddlers have tantrums because they cannot express themselves well or get frustrated or overwhelmed. Intentionally they don’t want to make their parents crazy. Understanding this both of you can overcome through tantrum.