Gun Control: Does it Really Work?

The term might sound confusing to many out there, but the reality is - it is not taken seriously unless some mishappening awakens the human society. For example: the 9/11 attack on World Trade Center in U.S.A forced US government to enforce stricter rules for the same so as to curb the attacks. Though, there is no universal law in the world that defines the rights of citizens for keeping weapons with them, each country has its own set of rules, however, the U.S attack did create an awakening in not only U.S, but globally.
The Origin
It is worth mentioning that today; the age-old movement which no longer is just a movement, rather a revolution was started by Mark Borinsky who founded NCCH in 1974. The movement today comprises of a large number of youth generation as volunteers and no matter the age, all are bound by one principle - Eradication of Violence from the Country they are a part of and, no matter the obtrusions, they believe in their success.
The Pressing Issue
The real cause that troubles mankind is not that there is a Gun-ban in most of the countries, but it is the mindset that makes all the difference. Norway that has the image of having severe gun laws is the same country where a lunatic killed over 80 people injuring over 200 at the same time back in 2011 and Norway is not just alone, there is UK, Ireland, Australia who follow the same routine.
Statistical Information
One interesting fact that we as human beings or rather mankind must be aware of is that every country conducts a population survey every year, but, in case of Firearms, it is not so. As per 2007 survey, US alone carries almost 42 percent of the total world's civilian guns. If we look at the overall statistical data, we would observe that excluding US, citizens of other countries easily gather 374,008,400 guns. The second highest country in the list Yemen has an average of 54.8 guns per 100 people.
Ease of Availability
The one factor that adds fuel to the fire to Gun Control issue is the easy availability of raw materials. Not only US, but most of the citizens of every country be it a plumber or an electrician is well aware of the tactics of manufacturing a firearm in their shop. What further engraves the issue is that these raw items are completely unregulated. Anyone and everyone can get access to these items without fulfilling any legal formalities and the government has no means to keep a check on this surmountable access to firearms.
One thing from which everyone will agree to is the fact that such an issue can never be controlled just by enforcing some laws on the mankind. If one really needs to abolish something, firstly the mindset needs to be clean and clear as to what is more important. Secondly, one must put a full-stop to the so called "Blame Game" then only we can see some ray of light amidst the dark clouds.