Most Expensive Tree Houses

From kids to grownups, the love for a tree house is shared by all. It makes us dearer to nature, strengthening our bond with her, and has a little touch of something very fairy-talish about it. I am absolutely certain that, at one point or the other while you were growing up, you must have fantasized of owning a real tree house. It could be the exclusive treetop stations or the all-embracingcreations of art, spanning numerous trees. If elusiveness and magical aura of tree houses attracts you too, this list of the most expensive treehouses is going to bring you joy and leave you charmed!
1. Alnwick Garden: $4 million – $6 million
The Duke and Duchess of Scotland appointed The Treehouse Co. to create the most expensive tree house in the whole world. The real purpose of this tree house was to serve as gorgeous tourist allure. It spreads over a colossal 6,000 square feet area, furnished with a 120-seat bistro, a merchandising store and two private dining areas. Alnwick Garden moreover has two spaces wherein movies are screened.
2. Modular Treehouse: Approximately $1.9 million, extra installation and land charges
If you are a sci-fi fan, you are assuredly going to absolutely adore this beauty of a tree house. It resembles a space station. It is the most popular Gen X tree house. In addition to its cool design, it is put up making use of 3/4th reprocessed materials. Therefore, it is incalculably environment friendly. People with a large family have nothing to worry about because the tree house can accommodate up to 8 persons.
3. Everybody’s Treehouse: $450,000
This tree house was constructed particularly for kids who are handicapped or bodily challenged, or physically not as stout as others. It is called, “Everybody’s Treehouse” and is even available for those who are tied to their wheelchairs. Added to this, Everybody’s Treehouse, promises all the fun things one can possibly imagine of. The boardwalk or the ramp has a grid of trees to enhance the adventure.
4. Microcube: $377,300
5. Treehouse and Cable Bridge: $250,000
6. Cedar Spire: $93,600
7. Treetent: $50,000
8. Free Spirit Sphere: $44,700
As children, almost all of us have fancied of possessing a tree house. We dreamt of it as our safe haven – a hush-hush place where we possibly would establish an undercover club house hidden from our galling parents. After viewing this list I am sure your fantasies evocating in your minds again!