Most Expensive Security Systems

The idea behind the security systems exists to provide protection and safety from possible threats of rape, murder, burglaries and assaults. Investing in it is like investing in another form of insurance where the benefits may not be instant, nonetheless the protection one acquires stands immeasurably. High profilers, public figures, leaders, Billionaires and multimillionaires need to invest in the best of the best security systems as they are extra vulnerable to the delinquencies.
These People prevail everyday kidnapping and robbery threats by securing their families and prized possessions behind these top notch, state of the art, most expensive security systems.
1. Luxury bunkers (Price:1.5 million onwards)
Perfect escape plan when nothing else works in the case of emergency and disasters like earthquakes, fires and chemical bombings. The best part of steel reinforced concrete structure is, it is provided with basic survival as well as luxury amenities that can last up to 3 generations.
2. Anti-Missile Device on a Private Jet (price: $1 million)
Top notch airborne safety for airborne millionaires or VIPs on their private jets. These anti-missile devices are built with electronic jamming systems which impede the incoming missile attack by blocking the missile’s infrared system’s capability to track and launch.
3. Yacht Security systems (Price: $250,000 - $500,000)
A cabin in a yacht is turned into a bulletproof fortress made up of ballistic glass, fully aided with top class communication to contact help across the ocean and two to three days’ worth of food this cabin is designed against pirate’s attacks.
4. Safe Core ($150,000)
Safe core protects super-rich houses by proofing a core of their house, including the floor from the bullets and the bombs and not just a single room. Under conditions of threats, a week’s supply help the household in sustenance.
5. Heliports ($ 60,000)
6. NBC Shelter ($50,000 onwards)
7. Burglar Blasters ($ 50,000)
8. Secret Passageways ($ 40,000)
9. Safe room door ($ 20,000)
10. Biometric Access Control System
The prices may vary depending upon the factors like the buying price one has to pay upfront, the installation process, after sales service and the number of features selected. The peace of mind which, these systems provide is worth any cost.