Most Expensive Facial Treatments

Most Expensive Facial Treatments

Most Expensive Facial Treatments

Everybody who takes time to give special attention to their body has explicit and implicit reasons for doing so.  Majority will claim that they do this to enhance their general health; others simply want to retain or gain back their lost beauty. For a few, taking time to fondle a blemish or check how far a pimple has decreased borders between the search for pleasure and entertainment. 

There’s this special group however that treats skincare as a calling; as a sacred ritual. They will buy even the weirdest item so long as a little research hints that they are effective. Add a celebrity tag to the product and to them it becomes divine.

1. Kate Middleton’s Bee Venom facial - $55, 200

kate middletons bee venom facial 

Well Kate Middleton has not come out to accept or deny claims that bee venom is the reason she has such a smooth face; but nowadays rumors are rarely false.  For your relief, the procedure is painless- the formulation contains only 1% of bee sting.

2. Mila Kunis’ Diamond and Ruby peel - $7,000

mila kunis diamond and ruby peel

Rubbing diamonds and ruby on skin apparently makes it shinier. Mila Kunis of “Friends with Benefits” is a witness. The procedure takes about three hours and also involves lactic acid treatment. You will only have to part with a paltry $7000!

3. Kim Kardishian’s vampire Facial  - $1, 500

kim kardishians vampire facial

Your own blood could be carrying the health secret your skin has been missing all this while, according to Kim Kardishian.  The celebrity has popularized this weird facial treatment where a medic draws blood from your hand, centrifuges it and then smears it on your face.

4. Raphael Oxy Star Anti-Pigmentation – $1,500

raphael oxy star anti pigmentation

5. White Caviar Illuminating Facial – $1,000


The White Caviar Illuminating Facial uses powerful golden caviar to diminish those disgusting age spots and brightening the skin. There is a caviar spa at $495; this is best for those to whom $1,000 is quite too much to spend. 

6. The Grand Luxe Facial – $750


7. Triple Lift Luxury Facial – $650


8. UMO 24 Carat Gold Facial - $ 600 


9. Bird Poop  Facial - $215


10. Victoria Beckam’s Bird poop - $215

victoria beckams bird poop

Yes, this cream is made of bird poop and to get a bottle, you will have to part with 215 dollars. The manufacturer is a Japanese based company which claims that bird droppings have plenty of detoxifiers that are good for you. 

The claims by these celebrities may be true, not-so-true or complete baloney.  There are much cheaper facial treatment products out there whose efficacy is unquestionable. But if you have the cash, try them and tell the world which ones work.