Most Expensive Colleges

USA hosts some of the most expensive colleges around the globe. The annual tuitions of these colleges surpass $50,000. In some countries,there is a stress on education being a public affair. This makes the fees as nominalas possible to the university students, who are working hard to become graduates. However, this is not the case for other countries.
Even though, the United States is not the only country to offer incomparable education swapping the sky-high tuition rates, it undoubtedly has some of the steepest academic institutions in the whole wide world. We bring you a list of the most expensive colleges on earth!
1. Columbia University, Annual Tuition - $51,008
It is easily predictable that the Columbia University is one of the top three, on our record of most expensive colleges, owing to its history. It was recognised in 1754 as the King’s College, and received this name, that we recognise it with, 30 years later. Today it boasts of having Nobel laureates and heads of state as its alumni.
2. Sarah Lawrence College, Annual Tuition - $50,780
The Sarah Lawrence College is a private liberal arts institute that outstanding for its exceptionally low student-to-faculty proportion. Though this is every so often is an issue in every Ivy League schools, for example, Harvard or Yale, Sarah Lawrence accentuates the significance of one-on-one tutoring. Undergraduates here are also popular for their political activism.
3. University of Chicago, Annual Tuition - $48,253
Although not an Ivy League school, the University of Chicago, still has ample to offer. Its active faculty includes eight Nobel Prize winners. It also has the largest university press in the whole of United States.Admissions into this University is quite naturally, difficult and requires financial assistance or scholarships.
4. Dartmouth College, Annual Tuition - $48,108
5. New York University (NYU), Annual Tuition - $46,148
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Annual Tuition - $45,016
7. Stanford University, Annual Tuition - $44,184
8. Harvard University, Annual Tuition - $43,938
These institutions, which have made it to our list, also rank top most when it comes to the superiority of education and consequently, the eminence of students it produces. This relation between the financial aspect and the educational aspect could be go on forever without an end. But it would be an interesting nevertheless.