Most Expensive Camping Grounds

Camping has always been fun for each one of us, be it anywhere in the world. We all are adventurous in some way or the other. Though it is said that most outdoor adventures are expensive, the best ones definitely are.
These tents are bigger than some homes and some stocked with luxury amenities such as spa’s and other outrageous furnishings that would make one forget everything else.
1. Clayoquot Wilderness Resort : $ 3900 per night
is the world’s most expensive luxury camping experience. The camp can only be accessed by a thirty minute boat ride or by taking the scenic route, a 45 minute private charter plane. There are no televisions or phones at the resort. The goal is for the camp’s guests to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life .
2. Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle : $ 2467 per night
is located in Chiang Rai, Thailand . The camp is famous for providing its guests with elephant treks. Guests ride elephants through the bamboo jungles of Northern Thailand and venture up through the country’s mountain passes. After a long day of elephant riding, guests are given a complimentary 90 minute massage to return them to the peak level of relaxation.
3. Soneva Fushi : $ 1482.50 per night
This is located on the Kunfunadhoo Island in Maldives. The island is a popular tourist destination because of the beautiful coral reef that surrounds it.
4. Chiawa Camp : $ 1300 per night
In Zambia, it is highly regarded as Africa’s finest safari operation. Guests can go on guided safari tours and hunting trips. They are also able to go canoeing and fishing.
5. Minaret Station : $ 1176.50 per night
6. Kasbah Tamadot : $ 972 per night
7. Gorah Elephant Camp : $ 938 per night
8. Aman-i-Khas : $ 925 per night
9. Amanwana : $ 850 per night
10. Cresto Ranch : $ 700 per night
There is a little part in every one of us that longs for adventure. The modern day world cannot provide us with the thrill needed to satisfy this craving for excitement. The only way to really get out there and explore is to actually get out there. If you have a ton of cash to spend on an adventure filled with comforts, these are the places to stay.