10 Ways Your Company can Go Green to Save the Earth

Going green is one of the smartest moves opted by the companies who are intentional to keep the environment safe and clean. These companies are trying their bit to incorporate earth-friendly practices to keep the earth healthy and save some money as well. It doesn’t matter whether your business is small or large; you can make some eco-friendly changes and contribute towards the environment.
So here, we are sharing 10 ways your company can go green to save the earth.
1. Turn off the Computers at Night
Contribute towards saving some electricity. Make sure that every employee of your office shut down his computer before leaving the office. Turing down your machines every day not only saves electricity but it can save you a lot of money in a year.
2. Encourage Green Transportation
More cars mean more pollution. Encourage your staff to use a bicycle or walk to the office at least once in a week. Also, let your staff know about car pool and encourage them to follow the same. This will not only help to reduce the traffic and pollution but will also help them to save on fuel.
3. Go Paper Free
In today’s digital world almost everything can be done on a computer. Reduce the usage of paper as much as possible and help in saving some trees.
4. Use Electricity Efficient Devices
Instead of using conventional electrical appliances, use a modern appliance such as LEDs to save energy. LED consumes 70% less energy and thus helps in saving electricity as well as the environment.
5. Use Alternative Source of Energy to Power your Office
Instead of using power generated from scarce resources use natural resources to power your office. Electricity generated from solar plants or windmills are a good source of replacement. Though they might cost you a bit more but it’s nothing compared to the environment safety.
6. Buy Second Hand or Refurbished Material
Recycling things is a good idea, but going green when you think of buying of replacing any office equipment or furniture is even great. Go for second hand or refurbished items instead of brand new. This will eventually help in saving the environment.
7. Plant trees
Try to plant as many trees as you can in your office surroundings. Planting trees will not help in cleaning the environment by consuming the excess carbon dioxide but it also reduces the temperature of the periphery to a certain extent.
8. Work from Home
If you can afford that your employee can work from home then go for it. This will not only save some office resources but will also help by reducing fuel cost as well as save commuting time.
9. Stock your Office Kitchen with Glasses and Plates
Replace disposable stock from real plates and glasses. Though such things can be recycled but still contributed towards a lot of wastage and pilferage. Having proper crockery in your kitchen will reduce the wastage and pilferage and will also help in improving the environment.
10. Waste Shelves
Encourage your employees to keep anything which is not of their use on the waste shelves. It might a possibility that something which is of no use to one person can be a treasure for someone else in the office.
Adopting these small changes will help you contribute your share towards mother earth to keep it green and clean. Also, inspire your employees to incorporate environmental conscious practices inside and outside the company as well.