11 Unusual Ways to Celebrate New Year Eve

It’s time to ring in or ring out the old and ring in the new. Yes, we are on the verge of New Year Eve when the whole world celebrates with singing, dance, drinking and the atmosphere is filled with hope.
New Year is greeted by people with fireworks and exchanging greetings with friends and family. Still, others go to Church and offer prayers to ring in a promising New Year. The traditional way of celebration is to go to beaches and hotels, have food and entertainment.
Here are 11 unusual ways to celebrate New Year Eve.
1. Celebrate at Home
Instead of going to a beach party or hotel, you can celebrate at home calling friends and family members. All of them can be involved in decorating the house and setting up music. Get the clutter and e-wastes out of your home to welcome a clean New Year. Let children have their own play area. You can bake some food for snacks, have champagne, wine accompanied by music in your home theater system.
2. Go to Movie
If there is a classical movie being shown in town or a blockbuster release the movie goers were waiting for, book your seats early asking your friends and colleagues to join the entertainment. You could order some extra snacks and drinks to celebrate the occasion.
3. Go for a Bike Ride
In these days of environmental awareness and concerns, organize a group of friends and co-workers. You can gather near a renowned park or beach. Have slogans about saving the planet Earth- conserving its rich flora and fauna. It could also get some media publicity.
4. Celebrate at an Orphanage or Old Age Home
New Year Eve could be the perfect time to remember the hardships and misery of people in orphanages and old age homes. They don’t have the opportunity to celebrate as the rest of the world does. You could go as a small group distributing cloth, food, and essential medicines. Spend time with them, sing, dance and spread the message of love.
5. Night for Games
For a change, ditch the party and organize board games and competitions for children and adults. It could be Monopoly, Snake, and Ladders, caroms, singing competitions, word games to the accompaniment of soft music.
6. Write Resolutions for a Better World
Gather a group of people and write New Year resolutions not only for yourself but also about what can be done to make the world a better place to live. Share them on social media.
7. Have a Fitness Party
In this era of the rising incidence of lifestyle disease, make this New Year Eve into an awareness campaign for healthy living. Put on your jogging shoes, go the park or beach – dance, walk, do aerobics and distribute pamphlets about healthy living.
8. Go for a Drive
There is nothing exciting than going out for a drive with snacks and drinks. Put up a tent on the wayside and have fun in the open with light-hearted talk and entertainment.
9. Hotel Stay
Take your family to a nearby hotel for a night’s stay away from the concerns of the home and work. Eat your favorite foods, wine and help children to be at ease. Join the Hotel’s New Year party or watch the world celebrate live on the screen.
10. Go Live on Facebook
Organize a small group and talk about your resolutions, sing a song, a prayer, play music about the New Year and have your celebrations go live on Facebook. Alternatively, share and send tweets.
11. Call and Convey New Year Wishes
In these days of declining inter-personal communications, why not call all the people in your address book and convey New Year Wishes? It keeps alive relationships and spreads happiness.