10 Things to Do When You are Bored at Work

Everyone loves to talk about how busy they are in life but there are days when you feel uncomfortable not having much to do. We all have our slow days at work. While slow days may be just a few but they are certainly very much there. It’s important to make use of these slow days strategically for the very same reason that they don’t come very often.
Boredom is the gateway to productivity. Consider boredom as an opportunity to do something productive for both your personal and career growth. Here are 10 tasks you can lean on to kill boredom at your workplace.
1. Learn
Catch up on your professional knowledge. It’s perfect time to dig out all those dust collecting books and magazines you have been stacking for a long time. Brush up your knowledge by doing some online reading. You can also interact with peers on forums or read some interesting blogs which will help you in networking and also improve your leadership skills.
2. Go on a Cleaning Spree
Organise your workspace. Unclutter all those unwanted stuff that you have been collecting during your busy days. Use your creativity and make your workspace more vibrant and distraction free. Change the lighting and add a few table top plants if you love some greenery. Make your work environment brighter, happier and friendlier. Use your slow days to clear up and organise your email inbox.
3. Plan Your Next Day
You can use this less busy day to plan the days ahead. It’s maddening when you have the time not having enough productive ideas on your mind how to spend it.
4. Review Your Accomplishments
A boring day at work is the perfect one to track your mid-year or year-end performances. When an opportunity for promotion comes up all of a sudden you are well prepared. Such reviews help boost your self-confidence and increase your self-esteem.
5. Brainstorm : Improve Your Creativity
Let your mind wander and come up with creative ideas. Boredom and procrastination boosts your creativity so embrace them.
6. Take a Walk
Change of scene is all that you need when you have been sitting at your desk all day. Make friendly short conversations with your co-workers. Walk up some stairs or may be you can even do some squats to get some more blood circulating in your legs.
7. Take on a New Responsibility
Boredom can be viewed as an opportunity. Look up for a new responsibility and work it into your routine. Be it a complex one or a simple task, just take it up. It can improve your value in your company and may also enhance your public relation skills.
8. Improve Your Expertise
You may be good at something related to your work, do whatever it takes to become an expert in it. A slow day at work is the best opportunity you can make use of to improve your expertise at a skill. Your expertise will show and that will be your brownie points which will earn for your next potential rise.
9. Finish Those Tasks You have been Putting off
Are there things that you have been putting off because you have been too busy? A boring day at work is just the right time to do it. Make a list of all those tiny tasks you have been putting off and finish them.
10. Write a Blog
Do some research on blog topics that interest you and start writing a blog based on your perspectives. It could be something that interests you personally or professionally. Make it accessible to others. It will add value to the organisation you work for and on a personal level; it may help promote your personal brand if you get it published under your name.