40 Things to do When Bored at Home

40 Things to do When Bored at Home

40 Things to do When Bored at Home

Do you feel bored in your free time or when you are in the house? Then here is an endless list which helps you to engage your time and even to have fun besides learning few new things

1. Play Board Games Often

These are useful to relax and even to engage some time with your family or friends.

2. Spend Time with Pet

The pets in our house always dire for our attention; you can give them a bath and play with them.

3. Be Nostalgic at times

Search for your old photos and embrace the moments of your joyful days.

4. Sing A New Song

You can sing your own song and create your own music with the help of spoons and ladles you have in your house.

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5. Write Your To-Do List

Everyone has a  list of ‘to do things’. So find out what are your things and interests which you would like to finish off before your life ends.

6. Drink Some Fruit Juices

When we are bored, we just like to eat; you can spend the time to make some healthy juices and smoothies.

7. Start Writing a Blog

You can write a blog and gather all the important links and resources which inspired you.

8. Learn New Language words

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 This can be quite funny; you can eventually even start developing a new skill set.

9. Dive Deep Into Subjects

You can know more about any of your favourite subjects in school or college days; the once difficult concepts can be made easier in this free time of yours.

10. Learn Some Musical Instruments

 It is always interesting to play some musical instruments; it also helps you to meditate.

11. Music Makes your Day

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Compile a list of energetic and entertaining songs which makes your day. You can be more productive at work when you listen to music.

12. Call an Old Friend

You never know how happy you will be once you call your old friend. Search for their contacts now.

13. Dare to Stretch yourself

 Yes, you can do this! Try some exercises for fun; jump around and check the square feet of the room.

14. Dust Your Lovely House

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 There will be a lot to do when you start thinking about the house; for a start, you can clean a single room when you are bored.

15. Spare Time For laundry

 You can save money by doing your own laundry in your free time.

16. Organise your Shelf Nicely

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You can make changes to the cupboards and even book shelf. They help you to have a peaceful routine.

17. Sip A Nice Coffee

You can sip a coffee, stare outside and tune into your feelings.

18. Read your Favourite Novel

You might have had many novels and books purchased a long time back and this might be the best time for you to read.

19. Watch Many Funny Videos

 Watching funny videos and jokes will always help you to get into a better mood.

20. Spend Time with Magazines

If you don’t have them at home, you can even read newspapers and keep your knowledge updated.

21. Make Good Themed Collages

You can make collages based on the topics which you like and can enjoy looking at them.

22. Step into Your Garden

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Why don’t you plant something in your kitchen garden? You can daily enjoy watching them grow.

23. Try Doing Some Cookies

You can feel good about yourself when you treat yourself with delicious homemade cookies from time to time. 

24. Spend Time With Friends

If you have friends nearby, you can call them and gossip for some time in your house.

25. Sew Your Name or Button

You can do this if you haven’t tried on a piece of cloth or napkin.

26. Experiment with Some Colours

Try painting sunset or some caricatures even though if you are not skilled in it.

27. List All your Favourite Songs

At every stage of life, we have one best song which we can listen to at any point in time; you can now recollect all such songs and listen to them.

28. Try Some Mix Match

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You can create your own jewellery with the left outs in the house; also, try to wear some nice clothes by mixing and matching.

29. Watch an Old Movie

 There might be some good movies which you would like to see often. You can even try watching them.

30. Try Some Online Games

 There are many games which you can play for free on your mobile devices.

31. Browse your Interesting Topics

Search for interesting information about something which you don’t know or find out interesting places that you can visit some day.

32. Nurture your Body

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You can do something like bubble bath or do a facial with home ingredients or massage.

33. Try your favourite Dish

 You can try your most favourite dish and check how much you know about that.

34. Think of A Plot

You have the creative angle in you and now it’s time to think of an amazing story with all the fancy characters playing around in it.

35. Watch Interesting Shows

Watching shows along with your friends can also bring you closer to them.

36. New Look In-House

Try arranging the house in a different way and enjoy the new look.

37. Try to Help Family

You can either help in cooking or clean your room with your mum or help other family members.

 38. Eat Something You Love

Forget about calories once in a while and eat the favourite chocolate or any dessert you like.

39. Organise your Laptop Desk

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There may be many files and documents which now not needed. Try to organise all of them.

40. Surprise Your Dear Ones

 You can either write a love note or make a video of your old memories and let them feel special.