Top 7 Things You Should Know Before Changing Careers

In today’s fast-paced world, the average professional is expected to change jobs at least seven times over the course of his or her entire career. This is a relatively high rate compared to decades past, and you should not take this as a bad thing. Now that people have more and more opportunities and choices laid before them, anyone can choose to pursue whatever career goal works best for them, even when they have to take several jobs to get to where they need to go.
However, just because you have free range to seek alternative job options than the one you currently have doesn’t mean that you should just jump ship immediately. There are several key factors that you must consider before making a big decision that could affect your whole career, so make sure to consider the pieces of advice below to help you make an informed judgment on your future plans.
Everything starts with you
Don’t change jobs just because other people are telling you to do it or that your life will be so much better at another company. The most important thing to take into consideration is your own thoughts on the matter. You need to focus and invest on yourself first before you should even think about where you want to go next. Ask yourself the hard-hitting questions so that you’ll be able to confront yourself with the answers you’re looking for.
Are you genuinely happy with the current state of your career? Will changing jobs really make a significant difference in your life? What will be the consequences you will encounter should you make the decision to switch jobs? When you are able to answer these questions, then you should trust your instincts and do what is tight for you.
Seek clarity
Achieving your goals will be difficult if you’re not exactly sure about what you want to do with your life. When you feel like your current state of mind is in a static haze, then this is a good time for you to take a step back and find some much-needed clarity to break you out of your funk. Take advantage of your vacation leave credits at work so you may go on a short break away from the stresses of your office.
Use this precious time to go somewhere quiet and peaceful so you could clear out your mind and figure out the answers to some questions you’ve been dying to answer. It also helps to meditate during this process of seeking clarity since it helps to give your mind breathing room to welcome positive ideas which may inspire you to move in the right career direction.
Plan ahead
A common mistake that most people make when they change careers is that they make such decisions spontaneously without a solid game plan in place. This kind of recklessness often results in short-term periods of employment or having no financial cushion to help them survive their transition. Don’t make this kind of mistake, especially when you are aware that the job you currently have isn’t your first one.
When deciding to change jobs, make sure that you have planned everything from the very beginning so that you will be able to anticipate all possible scenarios that could happen immediately after you terminate your contract from your current employer. Furthermore, having a plan means that you’ll also have contingency measures set in place in case that your original course of action does not come into fruition as you expected.
Focus on your priorities
When you know that you have important things to pay like the mortgage payments of your house or saving up for your retirement fund in the future, then you need to make an executive decision that could help you accomplish those priorities faster. Staying in your current job might be safe, but if your salary rate is not equal to the amount of work you’re doing or the advanced skill levels you have exhibited, then perhaps this is a sign that you may be better off to greener pastures.
Always remember that it’s never a good thing to stay in a job if it cannot give you the necessary means to sustain you priorities in life. You should always find the path that will help you feel fulfilled at work while also giving you the financial resources to guarantee your personal stability.
Tap into your strengths
When you possess certain skills that are clearly of better use in another professional field, then you should consider this option with enthusiasm. People should not be bound by their limitations because they’ll only end up working one miserable job for the rest of their lives. Smart individuals who are living their dream jobs understand the power of knowing their strengths and channeling them into areas that will give them the best advantage.
Competition to gain lucrative job openings is always fierce, and so you have to make sure that you’re ready to beat your rivals by showcasing your assets in the hopes that prospective employers will choose you as the lucky one to join their team. Build your confidence and don’t hesitate to make a show of force as a sign of your commitment.
Rediscover your passion
One of the main reasons why people get bored with their jobs and find new ones is that they’ve lost their passion to do what they love for a living. Think of a job in terms of a marriage where the first months to a year is the honeymoon phase and then you eventually get into the nitty-gritty of your career marred by obstacles, tension, and many other elements that would prompt you to reconsider your options.
Although the easy way out may be to find a new job, you’re likely to repeat the same pattern because you aren’t genuinely in love with your work. Once you are able to re-ignite the passion and enthusiasm for your chosen career path, it will be easy for you to weather the storms even when you’re working for another company or business in the future.
Release your inhibitions
Everyone has their fair share of fears, doubts, or anxieties when it comes to their careers and this is considered normal. Yes, changing jobs in an uncertain economy is a truly scary prospect, but you need to ask yourself this question: will you really find change in your life if you continue to let your fears dictate your career choices? We are all afraid of change, but embracing change is the one good thing that could lead us to better opportunities.
Remember that nothing will be gained if we don’t muster the courage to venture into the good fortunes that are waiting for us out there. The good news is that you won’t even have to face this alone; for so long as you have a good support system through your friends and family members, then you’ll have the confidence to push yourself out of the shadows and into the light that illuminates your career prospects.