8 Things to Do When You are Bored and Alone at Home

Generally, people don’t like being alone for long. But sometimes, you can find yourself left alone at home, with nothing to do. At such times, it is very easy to get bored or depressed and start getting stressed. But instead of getting bored or depressed, you should actually learn to enjoy the time you have to yourself.
Here are a few things you can do if you are alone at home and don’t know what to do:
1. Catch Up on Your Sleep
This one is a personal favorite. After all those long hours at work and late night submissions, you usually wait for weekends to catch up on your sleep. But if you find yourself alone at home someday and know absolutely nothing as to how you should keep yourself occupied, well, sleep over it. Literally! A 3 hours nap should just be fine to catch up on the pending sleep hours.
2. Cook Yourself Something Interesting
Well, now that you have woken up, hunger pangs are sure to bite you. After all, who doesn’t need to refill their tummy after a good, refreshing sleep? But do it a bit differently. Instead of calling for home delivery, cook yourself something. If cooking isn’t something that you are good at, open YouTube.
Make this a day to remember and stir up a few veggies, burn a few utensils and make a meal you will remember. Even if it may not be for the taste but the mess you created while you were in the kitchen.
3. Read a Book
Nothing better than reading a book while you munch a nice dish you cooked for yourself. If its non-fiction you usually read, try fiction. Pick up a genre or an author you have heard your friends rave about and start reading.
4. Watch a Series
If reading isn’t something that particularly interests you or you want to take a break, you could try catching up on a web or TV series. There are a lot of interesting web series and TV soaps airing these days. Game of Thrones, Suits, Quantico or the Home Alone series. And if nothing, you always have FRIENDS and TWO and A HALF MEN and HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Know anyone who ever got bored watching a re-run of these?
5. Clean Your Room
Another interesting way to keep your-self occupied while you are alone at home is to clean the mess your room is. Arrange the wardrobe, shuffle the furniture a bit, change the spreads on your bed, study table and side table. Discard off old clothes or old books. And if your room is already spic and span, well, mess it up a bit and rearrange!
6. Get Grooving
Well, what better way to enjoy yourself than to turn up the music real loud and dance away to your favorite beats. As long as you make sure your neighbors won’t complain, just pump it up. If you are someone who has always been shy of dancing in a group, well, this is your chance. Record yourself while you are at it, so you can look back and have a good laugh when you remember this day.
7. Browse the Net
Well, this is a good time to catch up on all the latest happenings around the world, the latest fashion trends and celebrity gossip. You can also surf the internet for interesting facts, questions you have always wanted answers on.
8. Go Online Shopping
If being alone is getting comfortable and you don’t really want to step out of your comfort zone, well, let all the stores come to you. Browse Flipkart, Amazon and other online shopping portals and add your favorites to the wish list. That way, you needn’t spend if you don’t really need anything but you do feel better after an hour of virtual shopping.
Well, now that you know there is a whole lot of things you can do if you find yourself alone at home, start looking forward to it and grab some ME time.