7 Best Cities for Women in Tech Industry

In the world of technology, women are underrepresented. According to US Census, in 2013, women occupied only 25% of workforce in computer occupations including the category of technology.
Tech has been mainly seen as the boys department and it is not meant for girls. Here, we will be talking about the 7 best cities for women in tech industry.
1. Washington, D.C.
Women in Washington occupy 37% of the tech workforce which is higher than other cities. It is also due to the hiring policies of the federal government which is the largest tech employer in the city. All the employers whether in public or private sector have to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity laws and the federal government assured that its workforce represents the population at large scale. It means that there are more opportunities for women in D.C. and a better environment.
2. Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City has emerged as a leading place for tech startups recently. Women have played an important role in the tech development and today this city offers one of the best environments in the country for women in tech. There is no gender pay gap for women in this place. Nearly 33% of the women work in tech industry in the city making up a high proportion.
3. Fremont, California
It is the lone representative of Bay Area. Fremont is between San Jose and Oakland on the San Francisco bay. Income after housing costs for women in tech industry in Fremont is over $69,000. There has been strong job growth for women in tech from 2010 to 2013. It is a 44% increase.
4. Houston, Texas
It has been recognized as one of the business-friendly cities in the nation and job growth since Great Recession has been very strong. During this phase, Houston’s technical sector has seen major rise and women in Houston’s tech business have been benefitted a lot. The job for women employed in tech are 28% and from 2010 to 2013 the number of women doing tech jobs increased by 42%.
5. New York
There are nearly 22,000 women in computer occupations in New York City according to U.S. Census Bureau. Women have more opportunities for networking which is very much important for advancing in the tech world. No other city in the U.S. has more than 10,000 employees in computer occupations.
6. Tucson, Arizona
Tucson’s tech sector has been anchored by the University of Arizona and the presence of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. The largest employer is Raytheon Missile Systems. Tucson area has seen strong growth in the number of women employed in recent years in tech jobs from 2010 to 2013 the growth rate is 78%.
7. New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans has one of the smaller tech sectors with 2,400 people employed in computer occupations in 2013 it also has one of the best environments for women. New Orleans’s tech workforce is at 36.5% which is the second highest percentage of women employed in tech job than any other city. There is not much pay gap in the city as well.
So, these are the few cities which offer best tech jobs for women. So ladies, if you are really into technical stuff or want to do technical job, you can go for these places and they will not disappoint you.