Signs That You’ve Made It Big

Did your dreams ever tell you what it would be like once you achieve your goals? Do you know what success looks like? Many of us don’t recognize it in our own lives and let’s face it, reaching the top is too fun to miss. In case you don’t know how good you’re doing in life, here are a few signs that you’ve finally made it.
You Are Adaptable and Always Learning
No matter what your dreams looks like in your head, success in one field often leads to curiosity and mastery of another field. Change is an inevitable part of success once your accomplishments have led you to new and better positions in your chosen field. The successful person embraces change as a sign of growth and is constantly evolving to conquer new challenges. If your job description has changed many times over the years and you’re not adverse to the possibility of yet another one, you’re probably a very successful person.
Technology Doesn’t Scare You
People who are successful in business and in life tend to embrace technological innovations. The computer age is upon us, meaning technological advancement is going to continue to advance at warp speed in the 21st century. To keep in touch with the pulse of business and modern life, you must stay as close to the cutting edge of technology as you possibly can. If you can participate with a roomful of millennials talking Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, you’re undoubtedly a success in life and probably very successful in your chosen profession.
You Respect Others No Matter Their Social Standing
Success in business and in life is based on your ability to cultivate new relationships. Professional associations and friendships demand mutual respect between parties. Being able to empathize and relate to other people, regardless of their status in life, is a clear sign that you are successful and will continue to garner respect in all you do.
People Seek Your Advice and Counsel
Have you been asked to mentor someone or offer tips on how to succeed in the business you are currently in? That is a sure sign that those around you recognize your success and want to be part of it. When that happens, you’ve made it. Everyone else sees it – it‘s time you did too.
You’ve Got Money in the Bank
Money is not the only measure of one’s success by any means, but it certainly is a sign that your career is moving in the right direction. If you’re able to pay your bills and still set some money aside for rainy days, it is probably the result of you moving up the ladder of success. Pay raises usually accompany accomplishments and promotions that you’ve made in your field. Unless you are the heir to a vast fortune, doing well financially is usually a sign that you’ve attained all or many of your professional goals in life. Making your first million and buying your first yacht will just confirm that for you.
You Want to Give Back
Part of enjoying your own success is sharing it. You undoubtedly made sacrifices and choices along the road to making it big that were extremely challenging. Often the need to help others with those same challenges and to make a difference in society as a whole accompanies the attainment of dreams. If you have a need to share the fruits of your labor or the secrets to your success with others, you’ve made it big – in life and in business.
Now is the time to recognize the top of the mountain when you see it and start enjoying the success you’ve earned. Take a moment for champagne and pats on the back, but don’t ever forget how many mountains are waiting for you yet. The climb is what got you going and kept you there – don’t be afraid of another one. You’ve only just begun to succeed.