5 Signs That You're Getting a Promotion at Work

Getting promoted is one of the best things people can achieve in their professional careers. Unfortunately, job promotions are not given out often and will require hard work and perseverance. If you believe you’ve done more than enough for your company and feel like you’re ripe for career advancement, here are five signs that promotion is on the way:
1. You achieve measurable success
If you regularly complete tasks assigned to you, then it won’t be long before your superiors notice you as a valuable asset to the company. Pair effectivity with efficiency, not just beating deadlines but also submitting work that is of the highest quality, then you’ll be considered for a new career path in no time. Remember that you were hired to do work to the best of your ability and not submit results that are inconsistent and sub-standard.
There’s no problem being committed but also make sure to pace yourself to avoid getting burned out. You may be working overtime every day thinking it’s the best way to get a job promotion. Just focus on your current tasks and you’ll get noticed in no time. Action speaks louder than words.
2. You are handed valuable projects
Speaking of tasks, one good sign of climbing the corporate ladder is that you’re handed valuable projects that aren’t just given to anyone in the company. These projects, usually complex and time-consuming, are usually reserved for upper management or individuals who hold significant roles. At other times, these projects are even given to experts working outside of the company.
When invited to take on a special project, never pass up the opportunity as this is a trial test for your possible promotion in the future where you’ll be dealing with multiple projects on a regular basis. This is also an indication that your superiors trust your capabilities and feel like you’re ready to take on more difficult roles.
3. You fill leadership roles
Leadership roles are usually filled by individuals exemplifying strong leadership traits. Whether it be in a small business or large corporation, these leaders make sure everyone is working to meet the company’s high standards. Every single day, leaders act as role models not just to their colleagues but also to stakeholders such as customers, investors, and suppliers, etc.
Leadership roles differentiate with every company but there’s one thing that binds these roles together: managing workers and ensuring they perform their best. If you’re starting to get more involved in a leadership capacity, whether it be helping upper management oversee policy implementation or ensuring employees finish all of their tasks within the workweek, then you’re on a way to get a promotion and also develop leadership skills in the process. Remember that leadership roles are more on man-management than actual technical work, so the more you gain experience on the latter the better fit you’ll be for a higher position.
4. You are part of the hiring process
Hiring new employees can be difficult work. There are numerous factors that come into play when choosing the best person to fill a vacant role and will usually require approval from numerous people, not just the hiring manager. Ideally, the perfect candidate with over 20 years of work experience is hard to find but hiring the person that checks all the boxes is still considered a success.
If you are chosen to be part of the hiring process, then this is an indication that your superiors trust your judgment. Whether you’re only asked to review a job application or be part of the entire job screening and recruitment process, this is a great opportunity for you to assert yourself in company decision-making. If the new hire will be assigned to your department, this also gives you a chance to choose the right fit so the team continues to perform well or even improve its effectiveness.
5. You train new and existing employees
Filling leadership roles isn’t the only way to develop leadership skills. Training new and existing employees also help with leadership development. Training is something that can be very tedious, both for trainers and trainees. For trainers specifically, it can take up too much time which can delay other tasks they need to complete for the day.
But it’s not all cons when it comes to training as there are numerous pros as well. First, you get to build strong relationships with other employees (especially when it comes to giving career advice). Second, you’ll be exposed to the training process of your company. And third and most important, you’ll catch the attention of your bosses especially if the training goes well. Just make sure to do training if you have extra time and not force it when you still have many tasks to accomplish. You can always volunteer for a future training session.
In closing
Looking to fast track your promotion? The five items listed above are some clear indicators of an incoming new role. With a promotion, you’ll not only get a new job designation but also a much better compensation package.