Here Are the Six Signs You Should Look Out For If You Are CEO Material

When people talk about leadership in the workplace, they often talk about the kind of leader who possesses strong and inspirational qualities that prompts others to follow that person’s lead. However, not all individuals are cut from the same cloth, and through that same logic, not all people are born leaders. Even more curious is the fact that even those who have exceptional leadership skills may not exactly want to become leaders, particularly if they have to assume such a burden in their hectic professional lives.
Statistics show that, on average, only one-third of any workforce will advance their careers from entry-level positions and into higher management placements. This is, of course, taking into account the amount of time and effort it takes for the lucky few to ascend up the career ladder. But even though it may take a while for an average worker to get from lowly subordinate to top-level executive, it’s certainly a goal that’s not impossible to achieve. That being said, do you have what it takes to become a powerful CEO someday?
Such a question might be rather intimidating for you to answer, even if you do have secret desires or ambitions to become the chief executive officer of a major company or perhaps a business of your own making. But if you are not afraid to take your career to the next level, then you should be aware as to whether or not you have exactly what it takes to get to the top and become a successful leader. To that end, here are some of the key signs you have to look out for in order to really confirm that you’re ready to take on the leadership mantle.
You can build and maintain relationships
One of the fundamental hallmarks of a person primed to become a CEO or top executive is if an individual is able to create relationships and sustain them in the long term. You cannot hope to reach higher management in the future if you don’t make an effort to socialize and nurture professional connections with others. You should be aware that no man is an island, and businesses depend on people working with one another to ensure that they are all able to reach a common goal and become winners in the process.
Getting along well with others should be something that you have to work on, especially if you have trouble interacting with people in the workplace. Most of the time, there will be tasks or projects that require the power of two or more people, and if you’re unable to mesh well with your colleagues, then it could seriously hurt your chances of climbing that career ladder. The bottom line here is that you need to be socially involved, as well as being genuine and sincere with your personal interactions among your coworkers.
You are easily approachable
If you’re the type of person who not only looks intimidating, but is also the kind of individual that doesn’t interact well with others, then chances are you may not be CEO material. Bosses who are friendly and approachable are more likely to become leaders in companies because employees respond well to superiors who are able to come down to their level and treat them with respect and an open mind. In fact, employees are more likely to stay for the long haul if they have a boss who has that quality of approachability.
When you consciously present yourself as this aloof person who thinks everyone else is not the same level as you are, then you’ll ultimately be setting yourself up for failure. Nobody wants to deal with a person that doesn’t make the effort to reach out to others, and this will only create an atmosphere of tension and resentment whenever you are in the presence of your colleagues. And if you have plans on becoming a CEO someday, then you have to learn the ways of becoming approachable so your career goals will be met.
You always look at the bigger picture
People with a narrow-minded view of the world may have trouble trying to step into bigger shoes since managerial positions—especially that of a chief executive officer—require a person who can see how the company functions as a whole instead of focusing on the individual aspects. The most successful CEOs in the world have the ability to regard their business as the sum of all its parts, and they understand that if one area fails to perform at optimal levels, then the entire system will be in complete jeopardy.
Having an open-minded attitude will earn you some positive credibility because people will respect a boss that does not easily dismiss the opinions of others and tries to look at a situation from different angles. Furthermore, this trait helps with improving one’s problem solving skills since top-level executives are expected to find feasible solutions that won’t disrupt the entire corporate structure of a company. As such, you should think about the best interests of the company you’re working for from a general perspective at all times.
You are able to think strategically
Making major business decisions without a proper game plan in mind is just literally asking for trouble, and this is not something that aspiring CEOs such as yourself should be doing. Successful business executives understand the value of thinking carefully before proceeding with a project because they know they’ll get the results they want and need if they stick to a meticulously designed strategy. In fact, no business has ever succeeded without first having to come up with a brilliant plan to make important things happen.
Even those maverick CEOs who are known for taking big risks don’t just go running into the fray without a carefully crafted strategy to follow, not to mention multiple backup plans in case their main one doesn’t work. This is why you must never go to work unprepared since there’s always a chance wherein you might be forced to confront an issue that needs to be resolved at the soonest possible time. So not only must you plan ahead for contingencies, but you also have to think quickly on your feet to react to unexpected situations.
You leave your ego out of work
If there’s one thing that subordinates can generally accuse higher management of, it’s that they can often be egotistical to the point that they believe they’re always right and that everyone else below them is wrong. Possessing an ego at work can be very insufferable, as it prevents others from taking someone seriously, and it could also have a negative impact on teamwork and workplace morale. No one likes it when someone acts all high and mighty, and refuses to accept whenever they are wrong or doesn’t apologize for their wrongdoing.
CEOs who are successful in their field are able to drop their egos and be professional whenever they are in the workplace. They know very well that they can’t afford to act self-absorbed and flaunting a sense of entitlement since this could very well lead to unpleasant and unnecessary friction between their colleagues. So when you have your eyes on the prize, it pays to be less egotistical and more altruistic with your actions, particularly when you have to collaborate with your colleagues at work on important tasks and projects.
You consistently deliver results
Career-driven individuals who have their sights set on becoming part of a company’s higher management are likely to achieve their goals if their track record conclusively proves that they have delivered positive results from their work experience. Perfect attendance, good interpersonal relationships with colleagues, and of course, quality output from their assigned projects is a surefire way for a person to be promoted to a better position and all of the amazing perks and privileges that come with the coveted promotion.
When you know for a fact that you’ve worked hard and that there is incontrovertible proof of your best efforts, then it should pave the way for you to get where you need to go. But of course, you must remember that the road to becoming a successful CEO is a long one, and that you must pay your dues before that dream becomes reality. Until such time will pass, you should maintain that level of dedication and passion to your work so that you’ll be able to deliver quality results at all times.