20 Signs to Show that You’re an Introvert, not Shy

Are you insecure or anxious when you are amongst many people? Or do you just name this feeling to be shy and actually you are an introvert by nature? You too got a doubt after reading this, well you can get it cleared now. Read further to find out whether you are able to be happy with a crowd or people around you.
1. Interact for A Reason
Do you feel that every time you communicate with someone, you are doing that just for a reason? Yes, there are people who never want to speak to others or can’t entertain small and simple talks for any reason.
2. Love Phone Only Sometimes
Are you getting irritated when you found people available for chat in the WhatsApp and Facebook? Do you off the chat option and screen the calls of your friends and family members, then you have to think off.
3. Get Hectic With Crowds
In this digital era, every one of us has to mingle and communicate with the crowds and be happy meeting different people to serve the business purpose or to learn things. Are you able to do these?
4. Interact Selectively with people
Can you spend loads of free time with any kind of people or do you have a specific group and love to enjoy only with them.
5. Show Interest to Party
Do people, neighbors and friends have to ask you a lot for your gracious presence in the parties or you show interest in to attend all of those?
6. How sociable are you
Do you allow people to approach you and have a silly chat or talk with them. If yes you are not an introvert at all. Generally these people will be so mindful and want to know about everyone in detail.
7. Creative Set of People
As per the research, it is proved that, introverts keep on learning and they are creative enough in doing things.
8. Only Partner Knows You
Most of us will be close to only a particular set of people. Mostly, we share our feeling to only our blood relations and soul mates. But we can even speak, share and relax speaking to others every now and then.
9. Listen and Respond Properly
The art of listening and understanding the same with patience is only possible for the introverts. Unless people ask them, they won’t react or give suggestions.
10. Get Deeper into Circumstances
One can observe that introverts are very hard to come to a conclusion fast as they take their own time to understand things very well and into the core.
11. Won’t Get into Arguments
These set of people will be thinking first and then will argue or communicate with others. So. there won’t be much problem to the world or friends with these people.
12. Learn Things in Seclusion
Do you like to learn things at your own pace and also alone? Yes, while others want to learn with the help of others. introverts love to have lonely time for whatever reason.
13. Self Entertained people
Most of the introverts keep on steering themselves towards their goals and will be entertaining themselves with ease. There is no need to worry about these people and there won’t be the word boredom in the dictionary.
14. Problem in Trusting Others
Yes, trust is such a costly thing which we can’t expect from any one. This is the main mantra which they believe for the people who can’t mingle with everyone.
15. Make Friendship With Few
While there are people who love to make friends and always have a crowd around, there are other sets of people who just have a couple of friends for their entire life time.
16. Fight For Personal Space
Do you even fight with your siblings for taking your things and using the mobiles etc.? Yes, there are people who are doing all these even though they are big.
17. Writing is Lovable Art
The people who can’t speak to others will generally be gifted with the writing skills. They will be showing interest to write rather than to express.
18. Rarely Take Wrong Decisions
The introverts are clever and well known for taking wise decisions. All the people are good at thinking.
19. Confident and Good at Public Speaking
Speaking might not be the thing which you like, but as these are well-prepared people from the beginning, they are pretty confident and speak well always in the public.
20. Don’t Rush into Doing Things
They won’t delay time speaking or doing unnecessary things as they are always attentive and complete the work soon within the deadline.