Rescue Your Life From a 24 hr Workday

24 hours working in a day is both a blessing and curse for many people. People who are driven to succeed many times find it difficult to stop from work than to get started. Once these people are in the work mood, it is very hard for them to avoid the next phone call or to looking emails that come in 24 hours a day.
Technology is always helpful for us which enables us to connect to the work for our convenience, but sometimes it ruins our health totally.
People sometimes need to work 24 hours a day if their job demands, but at the same time they need to maintain their health to rescue their life. Hence time management plays an important role for them. We need to find some ways which can bring back to our lives and we can spend sometimes for ourselves by stepping away from our screens and gadgets.
Try to Control your Access to Email
To make a habit to turn off your email when you are not working by either putting it on silent mode. You can make the settings such a way that email doesn’t show up when you click on your phone’s icon. You email account will be there but not having access to that on your phone is a good reminder for you not to check the email outside of your work hours.
Otherwise you will have the tendency to check your email on regular intervals which will disturb you personally and will increase the stress level. You should look at email and respond to the email which has true emergencies. Don’t make the habit of immediately responding to all emails.
Make the Setting of an Auto Responder
If you are worried that turning off your mobile or not checking the email, you might miss something important, you can have the option to set up an auto responder which will show the hours you will not be online and invite people to call or text when there is an emergency. It will definitely balance your personal life and professional life as well as it will help to maintain your health. This will also relieve you from the stress level.
Try to Establish a Routine
Routine always helps to make you discipline and helps to do your work in a systematic way. If you don’t have a proper routine or work schedule, you will not be able to manage your work within the stipulated time. All the work will make a chaos situation for you. It will not only decrease your productivity level as well as at the same time it will hamper your personal life too. You will not be able to concentrate on any things properly. There will not be any discipline in your life and it will ruin your health.
Try to Make Plans not to Work
It usually happens that if we are at home, we are often tempted to retreat into work, if we have nothing else planned. Hence it is necessary to make some plans for weekend or in the evening which will force you to do something other than the work. You can spend time with your family.