How to Vanquish Failure

A coin has two faces. Similarly we experience life in two ways, either as “success” or “failure”. Life is a beautiful journey that has bestowed tons of advantages on us. It entirely depends on the way, how perfectly we can shape the features. What we need to understand is that everybody experiences hardship in life not just because of oneself, but at times others may have contributed towards the negative impact on us. Fortunately, we always have a chance to control the consequences by re-correcting the past.
Know Your Mistakes
1. Maintaining Transparency with our Heart can open the Lock of Solution
Nobody in this universe knows us better than ourselves and none are born perfect. It wholly depends on us, how creatively we grow with each passing day. So, it turns easy to resolve our mistakes once we start analyzing them. We eventually navigate to seek help from family and friends. This technique works very well only when we follow their guidance properly.
2. Confront Your Negatives
Life is crafted with an amazing piece of nobility. Failure in life will teach us how to get up and bounce back. But it is important to remeber that nothing changes overnight. I keep trying my best to deviate the rays of negativity that strives to influence my mind. I personally feel that if we flee from the shades of failure, the chances of being miserable will increase as without finding answers that life seeks, none can frame a question.
3. Correct Yourself
We humans have a unique tendency to console ourselves on realising that we are not alone. Whether the failure is big or small, we often search for ample of opportunities whenever faced with a set back. Hiding mistakes is the most common thing we do, and counterpart will pile up the length of failures. I abide that we can define life only after sensing a mistake. But, never get stuck in regretting whatever happened in the past.
Though accepting and giving a thought to resolving the mistakes will keep stretching the chances to recover from each battle we undertake. We intend to practice this, as long as optimism remains. If we share the story of our troublesome journey with the one who understands our circumstances, it will give us extreme relief and increase the chances to recover from the trauma at the earliest.
4. Planning
Planning comes out of experience. When we realize the part where we are frequently making mistakes, it would be easier to correct and face the reality. There are plenty of channels to mince failure. Let me give an example in this regard. When watcing a movie, if te teme is tragic, the audience connects better with the character and the story line. We can grow in our lives just by accepting the existence of failure. I cannot ignore whenever I come across people seeking help to overcome failure, having realised their mistakes.
5. Execution
Patience plays the key role in execution. We need to raise our tolerance levels, and fight for normalcy in life. We need to have good control on ourselves in order to ensure that the lessons taught from past aspects are always unforgettable. Though the taste of failure seems to have an end point, it tends to have connecting dots forever. We should never let go of our consistency because it is going to be the finest technique to obscure the occurrence of failure, which gives us the way of absolution through it.