Words of Encouragement for Wife

A wife is the backbone of a home. A husband is the head of the house but it is the wife who keeps the family together. Juggling between being a mother, a wife, and a working woman can be very tiring. A husband and the family at large make a great support system for a wife. Wives can be encouraged though Words of Encouragement or actions.
- 1. You make a great wife
- 2. Sometimes people forget to appreciate the small gestures, but they sure do acknowledge
- 3. Happy people don’t have best things, they make the best of what they have
- 4. You always have a choice. Just know that choices have consequences.
- 5. You are a shining star in your life. Keep your stars shinning brighter
- 6. When people try to break you down, do your best to conquer them.
- 7. Time wasted is never recovered, make the most of it
- 8. You are the glue that keeps your family together. Keep doing what you do.
- 9. Dreams come true. Follow yours
- 10. Believe in yourself, it is the first step in doing the impossible
- 11. Identify your talents and make the best of them
Wives have more responsibilities than you can imagine. Words of encouragements mean more and make a huge difference to them. They make a woman feel supported, appreciated, and loved. It keeps the wife going in trying to gets her family the best