Possible Ways to Avoid Arguments

Introduction :
Misunderstandings are Good for Better Understanding
Well, this statement is absolutely true and works great in reality. We have been created and are part of this massive universe to lead a possibly happy life and experience the emotions of love, patience, problems, fights, realization, regrets, and solutions. We should know that every step in life is composed of reciprocation. It simply gives you what you give it. Whenever we encounter difficulties, obviously we feel frustrated. We fail to think and act sensibly in a frustrated state of mind. Remember one thing, we have no right to blame others for our offence.
Know the Reason Behind Disagreements :
1. Even the Fallen Withered Leaves Define the Beauty
We need to have some essence of spice in our routine life. I personally feel that life without an argument sounds very drab. We may or may not intentionally make mistakes and admit to them. But, the scenario turns ugly if we throw tantrums and misbehave with others. Things may seem normal only for a while. But eventually anyone would lose patience and refuse to tolerate our obnoxious behaviour, leading to a face-off. Always try to probe the reason for the exasperation because at the end of the day, relationsips are very valuable.
2. Diplomacy will not Work all the Time
Tips for a Successful Relation
Never try to bridge the gap with ego because one-sided conversations cannot resolve the issue. Don’t lose your temper on the person who cares for you. It is advisable to listen to the words spoken by your near and dear ones carefully. Supporting our mistake in the long run will blemish the relationship. We should think before reacting in an impulsive manner rather than trying to deviate the conversation. If so, such situations will definitely flare up in the future and make it difficult for you to face the person. We should be capable enough to deal with such circumstances with care and affection.
3. Communicating with Care may Resolve the Issue
Do not try the 'one-up-manship' game and get argumentative because a battle of words can worsen the situation. There are certain ways to convey our feelings without hurting anybody. Before that, we should prioritize to derive the capability “of convincing” or “getting convinced”. It is not about winning or losing the battle. However, we should control our emotions and reactions and decide which is more important, the relationship or an argument. We need to speak up and say what exactly we meant for. It is pointless to drag the argument, as nothing will be resolved without communication.
4. Don’t Ignore
The possibilities to ignite an argument without a reason are very remote. We can diminsh the heat of squabble once we start listening carefully to the other person without any interruption. This can give us ample of chances to resolve the issue and increase the probability of normalising the situation. We will get to know and understand the feelings of the other person and any ill-feeling will be gradually replaced with compassion.
We have literally seen people losing relations just because of arguments, when their mind toggle between conscious and unconsciousness. We should listen to our heart and think tons of times before speaking. Remember that life has blessed us with relationships. Obviously, they need to be handled with “care”.