Benefits of Sharing is Caring

Introduction :
Before penning down my thoughts, I felt innumerable situations occupying my mind, wondering how sharing is justified with caring. Well, today’s world is structured with heavy competition, leaving us with no or little time to concentrate on human emotions. When we look back and reflect upon our past, it may be full of our struggles on how to reach our goal or how consistently we performed to win or how patiently we worked to feed our family. But, if we clearly recollect, there would be some situations which had made us cry out aloud, shout in rustration or be blissfully happy. I encountered tons of questions myself in discovering the strength to lay down the foundation stone of confidence levels. My realization answered my query that I had benefited by following the simple saying, “Sharing is Caring”. Mentioned below are lessons learnt from my own experiences. Hopefully, it would engage every reader to start finding connecting dots of happiness.
1. How Sharing Gives Happiness?
It sounds beautiful to extract the essence of happiness in sharing. Generally, we tend to share our experiences with known people, whether it is wrapped in happiness or sorrow. The reciprocation itself defines how important our success meant to them whenever we convey some good news. We feel happy about sharing our experiences and exchanging ideas with the one who cares for us. In fact, it completes our sense of happiness and suffices as pillars of trust, which would help us lead our lives in a cocoon of security.
2. Sharing can Resolve Problems in a Snap
We should abide that sharing is a positive emotional therapy to help us withstand any circumstance however difficult. We may get ourselves locked in some situation and start heading for a solution. When we reach a concluding point that nothing is working out, we approach someone who can understand our condition for a suggestion. A magical hug, few caring and encouraging words and a warm-hearted pat on the back are more than enough to flush out our worries. Eventually, after listening to our well-wisers, we can take a decision and arrive at the best possible suggestion, which gets implemented in reality.
3. Pain can be Healed with Care
Positive Mind is a Healthy Mind
“Time doesn’t heal the pain. It will teach us how to live with that pain”. Every creature on this planet has already experienced pain even before s/he opens her/his eyes. But things will become better by building a state of acceptance in ourselves. Let me quote an example in this regard. Though we have two hands, we succour for another hand, to wipe our tears. However, we are truly blessed to have people surrounding us, where few of them always stand by us in the happy moments and more importantly during the hard times in our life.
The pleasure of happiness that we experience in sharing with the persons who truly care for us is immense. We are bestowed with some special people who think about us and are always there for us. Moreover, caring drizzles positivity and helps to boost confidence.