Words of Encouragement for a Broken Heart

Words of Encouragement for a Broken Heart can be caused by a lot of things. A dysfunctional relationship can cause a broken heart, and so are some disappointments in life. People with a broken heart go through a lot of pain and struggle with getting through each day. You might not mend their broken hearts, but your words will be of great importance to them.
- There is always a reason for everything, better things are in store for you
- Life is too short, find happiness in other activities
- When the time is ripe, the right person will surface
- Happy people do not have best things, they make the best of whatever they have
- Someone will hurt you once in your life. Instead of breaking to pieces, take lessons from the incident and be stronger.
- Do not lose hope, something better will work out
- When our spirit crushes, only God can revive us
- God repairs wounds and heals broken hearts
- Laughter is the best medicine
- You only have one life, make the best out of it.
- Life is an empty cheque, you get to fill in the zero's you want
- Every hard moment comes with something to learn from it, look harder
- You always have a choice to do the best thing
- Have faith and seek for God's guidance to get through trials and temptations
- You are a shining star in your life. Keep your star shinning
- Regardless of the number of times you fall down, always stand up and continue the race
People with a broken heart always feel like their world has been broken to pieces. It is very easier for such people to lose hope in life. Talking to brokenhearted people and uplifting them with encouraging words can make them see a ray of hope in life