7 Trending Post-Graduate Jobs

Obtaining a postgraduate degree, whether it be a master's or Ph.D., is very fulfilling. There is a reason why companies would rather hire individuals who have postgrad degrees with no experience compared to graduates who just finished college: they essentially have a more polished set of skills and competencies. And with the ever-changing landscape in the business world today, companies are looking at masteral and doctorate holders as easy options when job vacancies become available. Here are currently the seven best career options for individuals with post-grad degrees:
1. Software engineer (average annual salary: $87,000)
With high-tech computing continuing to take over all aspects of life, the job of a software engineer grows more important by the day. And with the amount of work they’re involved with, it isn’t surprising that they’re some of the highest paid workers in the world. Even entry-level software engineers are paid handsomely for their services.
The job of a software engineer involves designing and testing software, documenting every function of the software for future maintenance and upgrades, and creating a variety of models and diagrams for developer use. Since the software is used to operate hardware for different industries (e.g. technology, hardware, agriculture, medicine, etc.), engineers handle some of the most complex tech jobs in the world.
2. Web developer (average annual salary: $71,000)
Software engineers and web developers are adept in using programming languages, but the latter is more focused on developing and/or designing websites. Web developers are proficient in JavaScript, Python, PHP, HTML, or CSS, and use any of these platforms when developing websites.
Whatever programming language developers use, the end product is always the same: a website with fast load times, well-formatted content, good error handling, browser consistency, and mobile compatibility. Web developers mainly work with marketing personnel on the content being added to the site.
3. Social media marketing manager (average annual salary: $55,000)
Over the past decade, social media has become a top option for companies that want to grow their respective brands. And with over 3.6 billion people all over the globe using various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, it makes it easier for companies to find their audience online.
Companies usually hire a social media marketing manager to manage all of their activities throughout the different platforms. One of the fastest growing digital marketing jobs today, social media managers are tasked with creating and publishing different forms of content (e.g. images, videos, etc.), analyzing social media metrics, and tapping celebrities and influencers, among other things. Much like the job of a typical manager, this individual sets policies and guidelines to make sure the team publishes content that maximizes brand awareness while also adhering to local trade laws.
4. Operations manager (average annual salary: $71,000)
Operations managers are always in demand, not because companies constantly fire people holding these roles but mainly for expansion and development purposes. As organizations venture into other industries, they aim to hire people who have the leadership and technical skills to efficiently run day-to-day operations. And there are no workers best fit for this role than operations managers.
Specifically, these types of managers are involved with initiating job openings, supervising/training employees, strategizing process improvements, and managing quality assurance programs. Since they oversee the actual activities on the ground, they report directly to the business owner or chief executive officer. Another key role of an operations manager is to collaborate with top management to develop long-term strategies; strategies that mostly pertain to generating more revenue and developing new products and services.
5. Professor (average annual salary: $56,000)
A professor is the highest-ranking individual in the field of education. Aside from teaching, they work together with college or university administrators to provide the best curriculum for students. Professors also do extensive research work as they are constantly tapped by private and public institutions.
Individuals with Ph.D. degrees planning to forge a full-time career in teaching will eventually be given the title of “professor”. Ph.D. holders can fast-track their career list if they complete teaching units while still studying. State universities, private universities, community colleges, and trade colleges are the top venues where professors do their everyday work.
6. Data analyst (average annual salary: $66,000)
A data analyst (also called a data scientist) can be found in every industry but usually work in financial, healthcare, and retail companies where large amounts of data are used to create better long-term strategies. Job titles oftentimes change depending on the industry these analysts work in; for example, analysts working in healthcare are called medical or healthcare analysts.
When it comes to the actual work, data analysts use a variety of tools to identify, collect, analyze, and interpret different forms of data. They work with business intelligence, data visualization, and statistical analysis tools such as Datapine, R Programming, Highcharts, and Excel, among others. Some analysts are also adept in industry-specific tools such as Qualtrics as well as programming languages.
7. Laboratory technician (average annual salary: $56,000)
Medical professions aren’t just limited to nurses and doctors. Laboratory technicians also comprise a huge chunk of workers in the healthcare industry, and although they aren’t paid as much as doctors they still earn a respectable salary. Lab technicians also work in the field of forensics and manufacturing.
These workers are considered the backbone of the scientific laboratories, mostly involved in a variety of work including but not limited to conducting scientific investigations and experiments, undertaking controlled experiments, collecting and preparing samples, and analyzing data.
In closing
With the business landscape constantly changing, some jobs are needed more than ever. The seven jobs listed above are currently the most in-demand for individuals with master's and Ph.D. degrees.