WELTH Management

What is meant by being ‘Wellthy’ and wise…
Be mindful:
Yoga guru DrAmrapalliPatil, says “Mindfulness means being in a heightened state of self-vigilance where one is able to manage one’s health very well.”
Money doesn’t always help you lead a healthy life; but early investment in health does. Not everyone is wise when it comes to managing money. While some plan well, some squander away their earnings. It may be too late by the time realization strikes. One must invest money for good returns. When you replace the concept of money with health, and it boils down to question of our Wellness and Health, or ‘Wellth’- as coined by author Jason Wachob in his hugely-successful book, Wellth, How I Learned to Build a Life, Not Resume- the urge to procrastinate takes over. There will be plenty of chances to lose weight, quit smoking and reduce the intake of caffeine… what is important is to act upon that chance at the right time and before the damage is done.
An Increase in Lifestyle Diseases
Maintain Healthy Relationships
Shrinking families and unhealthy lifestyles predict the isolation of the future generations. They will be alone and will have to fend for themselves-mentally, physically and financially. With the evils of pollution plaguing us and our sedentary lifestyles rendering us unfit and lethargic, we seem to be headed towards disaster. We don’t sleep enough, worry too much, lose our tempers and suffer from aches and pains by our mid 20s. It is imperative then to invest in the ‘Wellth’ account.
WELLTH is the New Wealth
Wahcob calls ‘Wellth’, the New Currency. He says, “Good life is no longer just about material wealth, it can be found in a lifestyle devoted to mental, physical and emotional health, namely Wellth”. Similarly, clinical nutritionist Anjali Hooda says, “Being informed about our body’s vital processes-like cardiovascular function, blood pressure and sugar regulation, principles of weight management, is the first step towards leading a healthy lifestyle.”
Easy and Ready Solutions
Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss
Therapeutic nutritionist Manjari Chandra emphasizes on the fact that everything is so easily available in the present times to ensure a healthy lifestyle. She says, “Literature about super food is found at the click of a button, supermarkets have a separate health zone, there are health apps that monitor everything - from our heart rate to our sleep pattern, making it easier for us to keep a track of our body’s functions”. The trick lies in taking small effective steps on a regular basis making health an integral part of your life and not some mammoth goal that looks intimidating.