Healing is a Process
![Healing is a Process](https://images.successstory.com/img_inspiration/healing_1454310336.jpg)
Happiness and sadness are phases in a human life. Happiness gives us joy, whereas, sadness leaves us troubled and feeling stressed. Each emotion acts as a teacher; the emotion of pain brings us closer to reality and tests the true worth of a person.
Acceptance of loss is difficult, but learning to deal with it requires courage and inner strength. It is imperative that we effectively deal with our pain and use it as a learning board for introducing a positive change.
1. Self Contemplation
When someone is in pain, the process of healing takes its own time. A person needs to find his own peace. He needs to look within himself to overcome his pain. Seeking comfort from the outer world ensures only temporary relief. On the other hand, self contemplation and facing one's loss acts as a cleansing process, healing the person for life. Being cognizant of our true feelings is a part of a strong healing process, which channelises our thoughts and makes us realize something important and new about our own self.
2. Giving Direction
Withdrawing from pain is a strenuous process if the source of pain is unknown. One way to initiate the process of healing is to reason out the cause of the sadness that surrounds us. If we are able to realize the reason for our pain, we become better equipped to channelize it in the right direction. Dealing with pain can open new avenues for us, and we can effectively divert our minds to other areas of interest. An honest effort to overcome our pain uplifts our state of mind and improves our creative abilities.
3. Sharing it with People
It has always been said that happiness spreads and pain reduces when shared. The reason for the pain lies within us. But, sharing it with our loved ones helps heal our wounds. Some people serve as our comfort zones, and in their presence we feel at ease. They are the ones who understand us and stand by us through thick and thin. The process of healing is not possible if we do not try to break the walls of pain that clutch our hearts. People who encourage you to heal quickly and move ahead in life are the ones with whom you need to cultivate a relationship.
Healing is indeed a process as it tests your capacity to bear pain. The idea is not to succumb to pain by clinging to it, but, to learn from the experience and refute the negative thoughts. A firm confrontation of pain and negating self pity are the best ways to heal faster. It is impossible to escape pain, but it is indeed possible to be healed by clearing our hearts and minds of bad thoughts and opening them to positive energy.