Positive Affirmations for Health

Positive Affirmations for Health The connection between mind and body is now well known. It is an agreed fact that the diseases are psychosomatic , i.e. that is they are mostly caused by thoughts and emotions. Emotions are controlled by thoughts and thoughts can be controlled at will. Affirmations help to mould thoughts. It is often said “ Change your thoughts , Change your Life “. It is possible to fill the mind with health thoughts by using positive health affirmations.
1. I Love Myself and Am Perfectly Healthy
Positive Thinking Means A Healthy Mind
The affirmation itself gives a self boost to the mind by considering yourself healthy , you block all the negative thoughts flowing in and open the mind for all positive thoughts which are healthy . This is a perfect affirmation to start the day with.
2. Every Cell in My Body is Health Conscious . I am a Health Freak
For me , my mind , my health is the most important and I will do anything which makes me keep my body physically fit and mind mentally fit so that I can attend to all my daily life chores with ample energy. It is rightly said- Health is Wealth.
3. Every Day in Every Way I am Getting Healthier and Healthier and Feeling Better and Better
Start Your Day on a Positive Note
Each day comes with different issues or problems but when you are subconsciously having a healthy mind with healthy thoughts and you start the day with a strong determination , one does feel so , that is better than before. The affirmation strengthen the mind and change the direction of thoughts for the better and help the body to better health.
4. I Avoid Junk Food. I Eat Healthy Nutritious Food That Benefits My Body and Large Quantity of Water That Cleanses my Body
It is very important that this affirmation is read and followed daily, diligently in order to stay healthy . Junk Food has become a very fast and attractive and one easily gets attracted to eat / try it daily but in order to maintain physical and mental health this affirmation has to be understood.
5. Every Day is a New Day Full of Hope, Happiness and Health
6. Good Health is my Birth Right . I Bless my Body Daily and Take Good Care of It
7. I am Always Happy, Hale and Hearty
8. I am a Strong Heart and Steel Body
9. To Me Good Health is Next to Godliness
10. Every Passing Day my Body Becomes More Healthy , More Energetic
11. I Breathe Deeply, Exercise Regularly, and Feed only Good Nutritious Food to My Body
12. I am in Possession of a Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body
13. I Treat my Body as a Temple. It is Holy , Clean and Full of Goodness
14. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise is My Motto. My Body is Healthy , I Am Wealthy and My Mind is Wise
15. I Am My own Creator. I am The one and I Am the All
Health is the foremost for everybody. One who enjoys good health will enjoy everything in this world. And good health comes from good mind. Good mind comes from Good thoughts. Good thoughts are generated by Good Affirmations.