Transformational Leadership Styles

The approach of the leaders towards their employees, to make them more efficient and raise them to higher levels by motivating them, inspiring them and bringing out their potentiality are styles of a transformational leadership. With the passage of time, change is evident; leaders with this style encourage and stimulate creativity in their colleagues, helping them to achieve their potentials and goals.
Intellectual Inspiration
One of the prime styles of transformational leadership is intellectual stimulation; they encourage creativity in their colleagues or followers, nurturing them to think independently. They ponder over the things deeply, and execute difficult tasks by figuring out better ways, instead of giving up. For them, unexpected situations become an opportunity to learn. They foster creativity, assume challenges, and are always ready to take risks, soliciting the ideas of their followers also.
Individual Consideration
Transformational leadership style is different for ever individual. They respect and celebrate the contribution given by an individual, inspiring followers to accept more challenges, which aspires them for self development, and enhance intrinsic motivation to achieve their targets. The leader gives heed to the follower’s needs and concern giving them support and sympathy.
As the lines of communication are open for their followers, they are more compatible with them and ensure that they get recognition for their achievements.
Inspirational Motivation
The leader presents the vision in such a manner that the difficult task also gets appealing and inspiring to the followers. They present the optimism about the future targets, and meaning for the task. To motivate the followers, a strong sense of purpose is required. Their communication skills make the vision clear, precise, influential and appealing, which encourage the followers to be optimistic about the future and have faith in their capabilities.
Idealized Influence
Being role model, transformation leadership gains respect, trust for their high ethical behavior. Their upbeat optimistic attitude is a source of inspiration. If the leader feels dejected, the followers will also be disheartened, but transformation leaders maintain their cool and are optimist to face the challenges. The style of these leaders can have a positive impact on the team.
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
To master, emotions is another feature of Transformational leaders. They know how to respond in dire situations and not lose their temper. They have control over their emotions and have the power to anticipate the emotions of their followers. Even if they fail to assume the situation correctly, they have sufficient empathy to adjust. Self awareness, self regulation and social skills are embedded in transformational leadership.
Competencies of Transformational Leadership
Though leaders already develop a variety of skills in them, but the skill of building own skill, utilizing social influence, transformational mindset, according to the future prospects and striving towards self mastery are the core styles of transformational leadership.
Understanding leadership is essential these days. You need to know your strength and weaknesses. Genuine passion and enthusiasm towards your project is the key to success. So to assert your leadership style, the general ideas mentioned above will lead you to achieve transformational leadership qualities. Once it is clear which areas you need to work, you will look for ways to work on it and enhance your leadership abilities.