7 Leadership Principles For Creating An Optimistic Workplace

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.”~~John Maxwell
When asked, almost every entrepreneur replies with a common statement “Yes, I have an extremely effective leadership development program in place.” But, the reality is sadly the exact opposite.Often, innovation and leadership can take a backseat when day-to-day tasks become an organization’s priority. And if the leaders fail to give power to their employees, then your organization is in real danger!
So, in such a scenario how can one ensure to empower employees in becoming successful future leaders?
Carefully Check the Office “Pulse” Daily and React Accordingly
Your employees want to be heard and respected, thus in the pursuit to fulfill this, it is the management’s responsibility to ask for employee feedbacks and draw better solutions to their issues. For this, don’t wait for an annual survey. Get your office pulse checked on the daily or weekly basis to better understand employees’ views about the company and its culture. If employees will see their issues addressed properly then they will feel empowered to continue making suggestions.
Create a Proactive Company Culture to Drive Initiatives and Think Differently
A proactive company culture ensures that every employee stays motivated and motivated employee is more likely to drive new initiatives. Make sure that your employees are comfortable and confident enough about asking questions and bringing forward new ideas. Create an inclusive workplace environment where they are encouraged to give their opinions which will not only help in their growth but the company’s growth as well.
Create a Sense of Transparency and Trust
To successfully empower your employees to become leaders, you need to put two of the scarcest resources in action:- trust and transparency. Where transparency will ensure that the well-intentioned efforts of employees are properly aligned with the management’s long- and short-term goals; trust acts as a fuel which help the budding leaders run smoothly. Both must coexist as the absence of any one will lead to inaction or a wasted effort.
Get a Whole Team to Work Together for a Particular Goal
One of the best and most basic qualities of a successful leader is to treat and work with his/her team members as fellow colleagues and not as the subordinates who can be commanded upon. Thus, to judge this quality, instead of assigning individual goals, set goals that build accountability on one another as a team. When goals are clear, employees’ and organization’s strength are positively affected.
Make Sure that Workplace Policies Never Restrict Employee Empowerment
It is often seen that employees, in the absence of flexible workplace policies, feel restricted and eventually lose the sense of commitment towards the organization. This is definitely not a good sign for any business. Hence, you must ensure that the policies you set give parameters which an employee can utilize to be creative, successful, productive and happy.
Generate Growth Opportunities Based on Employees' Likings
Know your employees' work experience, barriers in the way of progress, his/her interests and have a proper one-to-one discussion at least on a monthly basis. Give them freedom to pursue their dreams and passions and an opportunity to portray their work in front of others. You are sure to create optimism when positive and result-oriented actions are properly communicated and encouraged.
Convince Them to Take Risks Without Thinking About the Consequences
When employees are given an assurance that their failure will not lead to their defamation, they are sure to take risks. Risk takers, often, bring revolution which can be a breakthrough for your organization. Moreover, they tend to create followers, which is the sure quality of a leader.
Organizations frequently lack the effectiveness in their leadership programs because of a common thinking that prevails in the entire industry – only the “senior players” need to evolve in the leadership area – and this thinking is taking down the company’s growth. In fact, leadership doesn’t come with a specific position or job title; it’s far more than just a title or to have followers. To identify the true leadership qualities in your employees, look for the skill to influence people, a strong sense of their own self and the quality of adjusting when circumstances require them to, irrespective of their position or level in the organization.