The Perfect Day

What are you willing to give up and invest in order to experience the perfect day, every day of your life?
A couple of years ago my days were filled with stress, necessary obligations to single handedly run my family, frustration, irritation, hurry here, hurry there, rush hour traffic jams every morning and evening and losing my temper at least once every day.
Actually, it was twice; once each morning as I managed to get myself and three babies fed, dressed and ready before 8 am for a full day apart, and once every evening starting when spending 45 minutes in a traffic jam when you need to get home FAST to cook dinner, take care of babies, feed them, give them a bath, prepare for tomorrow and cover them in love before bedtime.
On the inside I felt like an erupting volcano, raging from the constant feeling of being smothered by all of the above. It was such an unhealthy lifestyle, all while wanting and trying to live the opposite, and it eventually lead to a massive burnout.
If you had asked me then, two years ago, to describe a perfect day, this is how I would have described it.
1. Start your day Early
I wake up and sneak downstairs to make a cup of fresh pressed lemon in almost boiling water (to give my body the best start of the day) and sip it while I admire my silent garden. I have breakfast with my children and get them ready for school.
I walk them to the bus holding their small hands, kiss them goodbye and wish them a lovely day.
I walk back home and do a workout session in my garage, listening to an audiobook on personal developlent,like The Richest Man in Babylon. Then I take a shower and pamper myself with a Nuskin galvanic face treatment, before I put on a dress and some make-up.
I log on my computer and write some important e-mails for my upcoming book fair, book a meeting and an interview with local press about my book, to get ready to promote it to the 100.000 visitors of the Gothenburg Book fair.
2. Manage Your Schedules
I then head off to a networking event, organized by Inspiring Wo-men at the Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg, listening to new trends for the coming year. I pick up my new business cards and flyers for the book fair, before driving to my favorite place for stylish outfits and find something new for my upcoming trip.
Then I pick up my children, way before rush hour starts, and head home to do all their homework with them. We enjoy a calm evening meal together, before I read them a bedtime story and tuck them in for the night. I end the day with a nice cup of tea while I listen to Elite Business Mastery module number 5.
3. Leave the Past
Two years ago, it would have made me cry to imagine all of this. Such a wonderful, inspiring, rewarding and peaceful day. Even if I wanted my life to be like that, since a long, long time, I could not imagine how MY life could be like that, as my days were pretty freaking far from a perfect day like this. I just LOVED day dreaming about it.
Luckily for me, all that horrible stress, frustration and unhappiness, lead to a breaking point in my life, when I totally collapsed. Inner organs were dysfunctional. My skin was a mess, my face looked like a grey pizza and my hair lost both volume and color.
Thank god for make-up! I looked a mess, but that was nothing compared to how I felt inside, I felt dead.
4. Turning Point
The breaking point meant I had to change something drastically, something MAJOR, in order to have a chance to recover and never get back on a track that would simply guarantee another crash-landing.
I could not change the fact that I have my three children and I could not take myself out of the equation. One can always work on personal development, but in the end – there will always be me, in a better or worse version.
Could I change my job? Not really… As a single parent, having a really secure job with a convenient income is worth gold. And gold is good, right? Having gold must be prioritized, so I couldn’t quit my job.
The more I thought of it, the clearer it got: if I went back to work after having recovered at home, I would just put myself back in an unbearable situation that would empty myself on every ounce of energy and break me down again, possibly beyond repair. I cannot go back there. I will not.
5. Take Chances
So, should I change my job? Scary thought! Exciting thought! This thought was very motivating and uplifting and it filled me with curiosity and lust to discover what my life could be like. I started thinking more and more of my dream life, I could see the perfect day like a movie and I started falling deeply in love with that vision.
I wanted it more and more intensively, to the point where it started feeling like the biggest and most important goal I ever had: to change my life and work with something I love, be my own boss, have freedom, be flexible in my working hours to be as present and available as I want as a mother, working my butt off – for ME
Because I love working hard and giving my all, but also to have the huge satisfaction of reaping what I sow. My own harvest. My investment. My challenges. My wins. My business. MY LIFE!
6. Start a New Beginning
I felt that it was possible to create a new life with “prefect days”, instead of a situation that slowly but surely wears you down until there’s nothing left of you.So I made my decision; I was ready to let go of safety.
I was ready to take a risk and jump, because I believe in myself. I know my worth. I know my working moral. I know how much I love to go all in, and win! It was not as if I was gambling on horses! I was investing in ME, and I knew I was in it to win it. This was my race! I had prepared for this all my life, and I was ready.
7. Live your Dream
The perfect day I described above was actually a normal day of work for me now, in my new life. Living the dream. Giving my all. Some uphill, some hard learnings, some major fears that stares you right in the eyes.
But you just do it anyway! Some financial stress when initially not having the same guaranteed security of the monthly pay-check. But more importantly, so much freedom and fulfillment, so much satisfaction and happiness, joy, flexibility, excitement, curiosity, adventure and creativity – every day!
Last but not least, truly feeling that I’m living life on my own terms.
I’m not sure if it’s more crazy than courageous to give up a secure job as a single mom of three, to start your own business, but I know this: I’m deeply grateful for my new life, no matter if it’s thanks to courage or due to some craziness! Some say we’re not supposed to say this, but I’m also proud. Proud that I believed in myself.
Living the life of your dreams make you a happier person and gives a fuller meaning to life.
Life is now. Be courageous! Be a little crazy! Believe in yourself!