The 10 Most Innovative Start-Ups in Tech

Innovation is of essence in the technology industry, and every day, many new companies launch themselves in the market. What most of these startups do is to replicate what’s already successful in the market, and earn profit from them. But some start-ups are innovative, and launch their own creations in the industry.
Here are the 10 most innovative start-ups in tech.
1. Uber
Uber is perhaps one of the most popular startups out there. It is an innovative company that makes a car hire instantly available on call. Some of the latest features include launch of self-driving cars, and commuter carpool to share price.
2. Diamond Foundry
This new company launched itself with a claim that it can grow natural diamonds in its lab within 2 weeks time. It claims that it has discovered the plasma with which atoms attach themselves to a tiny natural diamond, on which atoms continue stacking on one layer over the other, thus forming a pure, real diamond in 2 weeks time.
3. Fetch Robotics
This company has almost changed the way most warehouses operate. Instead of minimizing human use, the company aims at creating a seamless balance between humans and robots. The ‘Fetch’ robot created by the company grabs items off the shelves, while the ‘Freight’ allows a human or another robot to carry the items picked up from the shelves.
4. InVenture
This company has come as a boon to those who have a bad credit score, or do not have one, but are in need of a loan. A number of applications have been launched by the company, that help in finding credibility of a person, so that the financial institutions can find out whether they can be given a loan or not.
5. Stemcentrx
It is an innovative company that targets stem cells to cure cancer. It had been doing its experiments for 3 years, but recently it released its positive lung cancer results to the public.
6. Hooked
Hooked aims at bringing stories to the mobile users in an innovative manner. It creates a narrative that is built for mobile users only and for capturing short attention spans of people. The gripping text-message style stories keep the readers waiting for the next.
7. Blippar
Blippar has launched a reality app mostly used by the advertisers in the industry. When you point your phone’s camera to a product, you get directed to a local store with it, its information page, or a website related to it.
8. Planetary Resources
Backed up by Eric Schmidt and Larry Page from Google, this start-up company aims at mining asteroids form the space, and using their resources for the benefit of the earth, including water. In 2015, a Space Act has also been launched by the US Senate to legalize space resources mining.
9. Carbon 3D
The company first grabbed attention when it announced that it can create shapes from a resin soup in liquid form. But in reality, it is much more complicated. While the technology can be used to create customizable parts for the automobile industry, it can also be used by the healthcare industry for creating surgical parts.
10. Sano
If you are a diabetic patient, you must be fed up of pricking your finger every time you want to know your blood glucose levels. Sano aims at eliminating this need altogether. It is working on creating a patch that will monitor metabolic levels of the person, including the blood glucose.
These are some of the most innovative startups that have recently emerged in the technology industry. With the best use of technology, these can actually make lives easier for all.