Why Persistence Matters More Than Giving Up

Persistence is defined as the quality that permits somebody to keep achieving something or attempting to achieve something despite the fact that it is upsetting to or opposed by other individuals. I once read somewhere that fear can compete with persistence. When you refuse to give up fear eventually lets you go. You end up achieving much greater things in life.
“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success” said Elbert Hubbard; and he was right.
No Success is possible without persistent effort. Those who fail in life are those fail to keep on keeping on. They lose courage at the brink of success. When someone succeeds in the very same thing they failed to pursue they attribute their success to luck. You should keep on working on that dream even if the world is against you; believe that what is possible for any successful person out there is also possible for you.
Believe in your potential even if they don`t, after all it`s not about them. It`s about you and the price you are willing to pay, with the belief that you have greatness within you.
When I was still in high school my father had made me believe that he was saving money for me to further my studies. The years went by; and in the 2004 I completed my grade 12 and acquired my matric senior certificate. I went to my father and showed him my certificate. He just looked at it and said, “congratulations my son, you can now going job hunting, at least I only one school fee to pay, I`m proud of you.”
As you can imagine, I asked him about the money he said he was saving for my education, and that`s when I found out there was no money. I was so disappointed but I picked myself up and thought of plan B, which was job hunting. I went looking for work to a nearby supermarket known as SaveMoor Cash and Carry back then and they offered me a job as general worker earning thirty rands a day (i.e. ZAR30 equating to R180 a week).
I worked at that shop packing shelves, cleaning floors, sometimes helping with stock taking and lifting heavy boxes. I got home tired every day because work started at 06:00am to 06:00pm every day, and we also worked on weekends, there was no time to rest. I worked there for about four months and then quit the job. But I didn’t give up I went looking for another one and got a voluntary position working as a Love Life facilitator for one year without pay in the year 2006. I was being paid or compensated in a form of the skills I acquired from the organisation and it gave me some light on what I was good at and on what I needed to improve.
I kept believing in me, unlike most people; because most people fail and they stop believing in themselves and they give up just when things are about to turn around for them. They get controlled by their negative mental attitude.
Imagine you are being chased by someone. They are behind you running and you run as fast as you can, they get closer and manage to grab your hand. And you keep running, you don’t show any sign of stopping and you pull harder. The harder you pull the more they want to let go of you. Eventually they give up and set you free. This is the same thing that happens with failure.
Napoleon Hill said, “Failure cannot cope with persistence.” You see, if you persist, you stand a good chance of succeeding at whatever you aim to achieve.
Just keep going and refuse to listen to all the negative voices in your head. You are the one that`s responsible for your own failure or success. Give me both and I will choose success all the time. You will never achieve greatness if you always keep on giving up. The late Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and he it would have been easier for some of us to just give up but not him, he knew what we were fighting and kept people`s hopes alive and refused to give up.
There`s no better proof that persistence matters more than giving up.