Low Cost Marketing Ideas That Work

After establishing a business, it is basically the game of waiting whether customers are interested and purchase the product. However, it should not be the case. It is because advertising or marketing should be done throughout the period after establishment. It is important because the products will not be known widely to public without proper marketing.
For those who have established new business, there are several low cost marketing ideas that work for them. It is important to highlight the low cost phrase over there since new business is usually not strong enough for expensive and expansive marketing procedures. Here are some ideas that can be implemented easily by anyone.
Social Media Master
This idea is very obvious and basic. However, not all people are capable of unleashing the true potential of social media. The basic idea is definitely to have all available social media that are allowed to be accessed in the country. Some countries really do not allow their people to access particular social media because of logical reasons. Therefore, it is better to just stick on the law to avoid something bad happens. Second of all, the official page of the company in social media is shared to every single person involved in the business. After that, it is their responsible to anyone involved in the company to share it to friends on the social media. It is an excellent and cheap way for spreading news locally.
Enhancing Promotion Material
The previous method is merely a one way for spreading news. However, it is not a complete marketing system if there is no good content on what is being promoted. Related to promotion, it is recommended to provide valuable materials to read. A promotion is actually not only limited to information related to the product in very special, artistic, and metaphoric words. However, promotion is also a care to customers. Therefore, there is a topic that should be discussed and shared to the (potential) customers.
Take one example if the business is related to dress for women. The information or article that should be made is related to tips wearing suitable dress in particular occasion, types of dresses, updates on dress, etc. This way, customers will often visit the main page for adding information/knowledge related to the products. In the end of article, it is suggested that purchasing suitable dress is easier in the store etc. This strategy requires ability to write convincingly and logically. It should be performed regularly and it can be seen in the visitor count. After using this strategy, it is guaranteed that the business will be known without throwing too much effort, and – definitely – money.
Playing On Physical Item
Physical items that are commonly used for advertising or marketing are flyer, banner, pamphlet, newspaper and list goes on. However, they take huge amount of money for printing and they are not good for environment. The alternative is simply a business card. It is a simple item that is given to particular persons only – especially those who are potential to be promoter, client, customer, colleague, companion, or just relation. Ordinary business card is not allowed, and it should be special. Special business card has unique appearance. Take one example of – still using previous example – a bride wearing beautiful and even impossible dress. This kind of card is not only interesting to see, but it is a proof of professionalism. People will be interested once looking the card, and they will come to the shop. The more business card is given, the more chance customers comes for the product. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate in utilizing business card.
Making Event
This is very common way to advertise a brand new business. However, it is also applicable to any kind of business regardless of the age. The management should make an event that is related to the specialization of the business itself. If it is all about dress, then the competition is on-the-spot dressing. It is also possible to make the competition online by submission of photograph. The event has direct impact towards potential customers. They will be aware of business offered by the management. Moreover, it also attracts more people because there is always a reward in competition.
Contribution To Society Or Event
It is fine to help people for seeking profit and fame at the same time. As long as no one hurts in the process, the process is perfectly okay. Some contributions to society includes, but not limited to providing free items – dress – for those who need and giving dress as reward in particular event. Other business specialization has different ways in giving contribution to society. The company should be aware of this, and it will bring more customers for the company itself.
Those are all some low cost marketing ideas that work. Some people may be still skeptical about the ideas given. However, it is important to realize that those procedures will never ever work without being tried. Moreover, some of those ways are not applicable to some regions because different in cultures. Therefore, use the information wisely, and any innovation or adjustment in the idea is always recommended.