5 Ways To Build Customer Loyalty

Building customer loyalty is very important for a business. A loyal customer can be a regular customer. It means possibility of regular income and profit at the same time. We all know that business requires customer to live and develop. Therefore, there should be some ways to keep customer love the offered products or services.
Some approaches have been used for gaining loyalty of customers. Mostly, physiological aspect is the main thing for gaining loyalty. By exploiting the nature of human being, it is possible to attract customers without making them feeling disregarded, cheated, lied, and disrespected. Here are 5 ways to hypnotize customers to make them loyal.
Professional Service
It is the fundamental aspect that should be noted by companies or industries. Customer’s loyalty is based on the quality of service offered. Take one example of an internet provider service. One can just cut off the subscription if s/he is treated unprofessionally. Dropped call, incomplete information, hideous promotion, and mismatch between promotion and reality are common factors causing customers choose other providers. It is impossible to gain loyalty from customers if the service is poor. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain the service for customers so they do want to leave away. This first tip is actually very obvious, yet it is neglected often. All customers should be treated equally, and it is called professional service.
High-Quality Product
This is also obvious thing that should be implemented in any kind of business. It does not matter on what business is established, the product should have maximum quality. It can be determined through several ways including good source of materials and production process. Efficiency in the process of manufacturing also contributes to the quality of product. Companies know this better, and it is important to maintain it. Quality control should be implemented very well and it is possible to gain loyalty from customers because they are never disappointed after purchasing and using the product. The previous methods are just beginning. Below is more practical ways in gaining customer loyalty.
Annual Event as Signature
It is crucial to make the company known. One great event that is designed for any customers is great. Not only does it introduce publicly to people – who never become customer – but it also respects the loyal customers as well. The concept is simply creating a coupon giving discount. In addition, giving expensive prize such as cashback, smartphone, motorbike, or even car also give opportunity to make sure the customers loyal. The customers are required to collect particular coupon from particular time range for ticket for the prize. This concept has been known for some years as contributors to keep customers loyal. In addition, it is also great promotion strategy that gives opportunity for gaining more loyal customers. The source funds for the event can be deducted from targeted profit within the year. That way, it will not ruin the company.
Providing Information and News to Customers
The previous strategy does not seem to come closer to customers and it is. This way this strategy tries to compose a new way for approaching customers. By knowing some of their basic identities such as email address, it is possible to provide them important news that will be beneficial for them. If it is a jewelry shop, it is better to give news for customers related to the best and newest jewelry trend. This intriguing information is followed by some promotional words stating that such jewelry is available in the shop. Such strategy is definitely attractive for any loyal customers. Some people actually do not know what they want and need until provoked. Therefore, a company should provide such information for making them aware that there is a new worthy product told in very non-promotional way.
Friendship Approach
This is the last step after everything above (partially) performed. It is important to treat the customers as king and friend at the same time. It is very useful for making them buy more and make profit more. This strategy is somehow very difficult to do, but there are some tips that are useful. As organizers, it is important to be seen by the customers. Greeting customers in very elegant way is a nice and sleek method for gaining friend. In addition, having small talk is also recommended. It helps to get acquaintance with the customers. More advanced step is to remember his/her condition/situation including birthday, general health, and other personal things.
Those are all several ways to keep customers loyal to products or services offered. Some of those approaches may not be possible for some reasons. However, it is important to try first before giving up. Basically there is nothing to lose to get acquaintance and product improvement. Therefore, all tactics above are worth to try.