Scientific Tricks to fall Asleep in Under 60 Seconds

Sleep is not something that comes naturally; you need to do a lot of struggle. Science has proved a great way that will help you to get sleep in just a minute. Can’t believe it; see here it is how. Just some simple and easy breathing techniques will help you to sleep.
Want to know how? Keep reading. Surely you are going to find this technique interesting and worth following.
How it Works
You need to just take your breath in for some time, hold it and breathe it out. You need to repeat it if needed. After you do it for at least four times, you will automatically feel sleepy. You need to sit in a peaceful place where you will not get any disturbance. You need to close your eyes before you start the breathing techniques.
You also need to keep the tip of your tongue on the opposite of the tissue that is ahead of the teeth and keep it at the same place for at least one minute. As you hold your breath for say seven seconds then you may see that the oxygen is circulating completely in your body. Generally, whenever we take a breath, our body does not get full quantity of oxygen.
After this, you need to let the breath out for say eight counts. This will definitely make you feel great at the end. After this is over you can have some coffee so that you will feel more relaxed. After the fourth cycle is done you can take a nap and that will give your body the real relaxation. Actually, you need to take a nap at that time. After you finish your nap, you will feel totally relaxing and cosy.
The Technique at its Best
When you use the technique, you need to sit in a relaxing and calm place as the outside voices may disturb your sleep. Just start taking a fresh breath inside and keep counting numbers from one to ten.
Concentrate on each number and each breath that you take deeply. At the end take the breath out while you again count numbers one to ten. After this is done, you will surely feel sleepy. You need to keep your eyes and ear closed while you practice the technique.
Exercises will Work
A little exercise or yoga may help to control emotions or feeling of depression. But you need to be wide open from the mind as even tiny issues can make you lose your mental balance in such situation. This can be hugely depressing as you may feel there’s no one with you.
So that you can cuddle it every-time & while sleeping too to feel loved & safe. It will also build more trust & the bonding between both of you will become stronger. Yoga and exercises techniques will also help you to be healthy.
You can also listen to some peaceful music before you go to bed, and it actually works. A calm and cool music will help you to remove all the stress from your mind. This will help you to relax for some time and get good night sleep. You can adjust the breathing techniques with the music that is running behind and you will really feel good for sure.
So this is how you can fall asleep in just one minute. Just follow the easy technique and for sure you will really get a sound sleep. Just forget all the pills and everything that you must have tried and followed the new technique, it actually works.