Common Pet Peeves in the Office and How to Avoid Triggering Them

Let’s say today marks your third year as an employee in your company. By now, you are probably familiar with the nitty gritties of your workplace. You have become BFFs with some of your workmates. You are comfortable at work.
People who have worked together for a long time has developed a habit of letting things (even attitudes) slide one too many times. Familiarity breeds contempt and the office is no exception. A sudden decline in formality arises and employees begin feeling TOO cozy.
The following are some of the pet peeves that arise in the workplace:
Failing to Keep Personal Problems Private
No matter how awful you are feeling, do not take out your problems on other people. Leave your individual issues outside office premises. There is a fine line between chatting casually and sharing personal matters. If you must – and it really can’t wait – handle your business outside office grounds or during break times.
Needless Noise
Unnecessary sounds ultimately become a noise pollutant. Remember to keep your phone in silent. Wear earphones when listening to music.
Although rhythmic, the sound of keyboard keys loudly clicking away becomes a distraction. Is your workload really that intense that you have to pummel down on each key? Distractedly drumming your fingers is equivalent to endlessly tapping your pen on the table or the chalk-on-cardboard screech.
If you’re naturally a loud talker, just make sure to check in with your co-workers if you’re being too loud or distracting. You’ll eventually learn how to turn your voice down a few notches. Be mindful of the people who are not as chirpy as you are.
Invading Each Other’s Privacy
Understand the meaning of a closed door, “Do not Disturb” signs, and purposefully indifferent responses – especially your boss’. A closed door doesn’t exactly equate to “Welcome”. If it’s urgent, knock first. Better yet, come back at a more convenient time.
The Employee that’s Obviously Too Sick to Function
But comes in anyway. That’s what sick leaves are for. A week later, when you’re back in good physical condition, half the staff will be coughing and sneezing their days away.
Steer Clear of the Gossip Ship
Aside from the possibility that your gossip information may be wrong, you won’t only be putting their name to shame, but yours as well. When was the last time anyone has benefitted from trash-talking?
Gossip impacts the workplace negatively, decreases productivity and wastes time. It also causes workers to lose confidence in the management and peers.
Childish Behavior
Tattling on another co-worker, whining and refusing to share resources or ideas are just a few of the immature moves you might pull, but can definitely avoid .Save your pranks for out-of-office activities.
Vulgar language decreases one’s credibility and professionalism. Profane language can end in claims of harassment, complaints, lawsuits and violence. Obscenities may cost you your career. Although profanities may come naturally in everyday conversations, there will also be people who are bound to get offended.
To get more done, make sure your area is tidy and conducive for working. Your etiquette in the office is a reflection of your manners at home. More often than not, someone who is grubby in public also has the same manners behind closed doors.
Dress Code Disaster
Too tight blouse or skirt. Heels. Smelling like she just ransacked a Victoria’s Secret perfume shelf. More than half of the female employees complained about too revealing clothing among peers.
Shirts with buttons that look like they’re about to pop out of shirts and polos. Overstated sleeve creases. We get it, dude, you’re a gym enthusiast. This is the office, not a body-building expo.
Many of us are blind to our own flaws and don’t realize that our behavior already comes off as annoying to everyone else. Just be graceful when accepting feedback from your supervisor and peers. Be brave enough to own up to your mistakes, but also bold enough to address the harmful manners of others too.