7 Reasons for Quitting a Job

It is common to meet people who are not satisfied with their jobs and are tempted to look for better employment options. The options available to them may be limited and they may decide to quit their present job.
Quitting a job is one big decision that most people come across one or more times during their careers. Most of the time there are better prospects available for a job switch. But your reasons to quit one job and switch over to a new one should be good.
Here are seven good reasons to quit a job:
1. You do not Get the Respect you Deserve at Your Workplace
Most of the times, the pay package is seen as the most crucial factor for staying in a job, but many people value respect more than the money. When you think that you are not getting the respect and recognition that you deserve, it is definitely the right time to switch to a new job. Lack of respect robs you of your motivation and you stop giving your 100% to your job. This has a negative impact on your productivity in the long run.
2. Lack of Appreciation
To-Do things for Rewards and Recognition
One has to accept that everyone works for money. But appreciation at doing a good job is equally important for you to continue in your present employment. Appreciation is something that every human being needs, both on personal as well as professional levels. On the other hand, lack of appreciation is a good reason to quit and start afresh.
3. An Overdose of Criticism
Get over from your Inner Critic
Professional life is all about continuous learning and growth and making mistakes is something that happens with everyone. Obviously, your seniors and employer are going to reprimand you for your mistakes but they must not kill your motivation. If you are criticized in public at all times, it is time for you to look for other job options. Do not allow to be professionally insulted.
4. Your Role at the Job seems to be Insignificant
Another good reason you need to know before quitting a job is that your role there seems to be insignificant and it is not adding value to your professional growth. Have a look at your knowledge graph since joining the job and appraise your growth. If the curve does not go up considerably, then it is a good idea to look for another job.
5. Someone else is Gaining at Your Expense
There are times when someone at your workplace is gaining at your expense. This can happen when you do all the hard work and your senior walks away with the accolades. If you cannot do something about such a situation, then quitting your job can be the best way out for you. You may find a better place where you get all the credit for your contribution to your workplace.
6. There is nothing Exciting about your Job
Stagnation is one of the major reasons why people quit their jobs. When you find nothing exciting or challenging in your job, quitting can be the best option. Though finding a new job can be a challenge, it can give you the satisfaction and excitement you might be missing at work.
7. Future Prospects……Monetary and Otherwise
Pick Up The Pieces And Move on
The last and the most vital reason why quitting a job can be a great idea is better future prospects. Future prospects are not confined to a salary hike but also your personal growth, which enables you to grab better opportunities in your career. Look at the bigger picture- the question that you need to introspect on is, “At what point, professionally, do I stand five years from today, if I keep working here?” The answer will guide you on quitting the job or retaining it.
Most importantly, never fear change. It is a challenge, which you need to face. At the same time, you have to be very practical about the decision to quit your job, meaning you need to have good options in hand, so that you are not left jobless. Finding your dream job is important, but being realistic in your expectations is equally essential. Simply speaking, quitting a job should be seen as a calculated risk rather than a reckless gamble.