4 Hacks to Appear More Confident and Attractive

What is the reason behind that some people get more preference and have the capability to attract the crowd than others? It is simply not the looks but that special factor which makes them extraordinarily attractive. It is their body language, their attitude, and certain characteristic traits that enhance their personality and makes them stand out of the crowd.
Here are few characteristics of such people which make them outstanding, confident and attractive.
1. Posture
Posture definitely is very vital as you can judge the confidence of the person through his posture. Walking with your back straight, pulling your shoulders back with the stomach in and displaying your chest out just as if you are walking on the ramp or like army personals gives a feel of confidence and energetic.
It portrays you as a leader or a winner. It also denotes that you are not afraid of confrontation and are superior to others. A crouching and hunched posture give wrong signals as if you are scared of or want to remain under the dominance of others. Hands on hips or behind your back give nonverbal messages of courage, power, and confidence and not that of meek and submissive. So exercise daily to get better posture.
2. Body Language
It is not the body structure or the beauty of your body or figures that matters but the body language that maintains and displays your temperaments and your emotions and shows whether you are confident or not. The way you talk, walk, or carry yourself are the factors that make you exceptional.
Taking balanced steps while walking slowly with a smile on your face shows that you are not afraid of anyone and are confident to confront any sort of situation in a very positive manner maintaining your positivity. Walking clumsily with a frown on your face will depict your negative attitude of being tensed or loss. A smile does wonders; it brings a carefree attitude and confidence to you as that of a winner.
3. Behavior
Your behavior and etiquettes have a lot to say about yourself. The person is identified by his behavior which leads him to a great fan following. Going out of your way to help others, appreciating others, giving respect and attention to others personifies your inner beauty.
One should give importance to others and at the same time express your opinions and desires directly and not being afraid of what others will think about him. The openness and confidence takes a person to another level of a towering personality and becomes lovable of everyone by never crossing the line of good manners.
4. Eye Contact
As it is already known that eyes are the windows of our soul and the power of our look has an everlasting impact on others. Not only this, through eyes, you can communicate your confidence and strength. Talking with someone with your head held high and looking directly into the eyes with whom you are conversing or focusing on your partner expresses your self-confidence.
It does not mean that you have to stare into your counterpart’s eyes; just paying attention for a few seconds shows your interest towards others. Be it you are telling lies or scared, your eyes are the first to reveal your feelings. Similarly, confidence can also be scaled through eyes.
To become confident and attractive, you need to take care of not only your body language but also your body to look the best as possible. Carry yourself confidently and feel great. Broaden your mind to be a better person.