Most Expensive Caviar

Caviars have always been considered the supreme luxury food. They are also, however, seen as a status symbol. It is a flawless delicacy to placate our senses and mesmerize us in every possible way. This list is for people who are connoisseurs, and appreciators of a delightful palate and have a nose and tongue for deliciousness.
Caviar has always been known as an expensive indulgence. They are associated with precious moments, a long lasting reminiscence of ecstasy, and a gratefulness of the antique tradition and ritual, that is Caviar.The following list of caviars is bound to amaze you as it takes this splendor to quite a different level, and deservingly so.
1. White Gold Caviar - $40,000
Costing $40,000 a teaspoon, this lovely caviar was invented by fish farmer Walter Gruell and his son Patrick. The eggs are taken from a rare albino sturgeon fish. Farmed exclusively for the royalty the caviar has taste of fresh fish. Available in restaurants across Dubai to Monaco, you can taste this delicacy in all its royal luxury.
2. Almas - $25,000
Almas means ‘diamond in Russian. One of the best caviar in the world, Almas is taken from the rare albino Sturgeon fish that is about 60 to 100 years old and lives in the relatively less polluted Caspian Sea. Currently this sturgeon is on the verge of extinction. A royal treat for the elite, its history dates centuries back. The caviar is spongy, smooth and aromatic.
3. Imperial Golden Osetra Caviar – $10,400
The imperial golden osetra caviar is also called the “Royal Caviar”. It is one of the rarest and called, “royal” because they were preserved for the royals alone. Formerly, they originated from the Sterlet Sturgeon. However, that fish is inexistent now. The nutty flavored, medium sized grains are beautiful. Their colors vary from golden to greenish. From the Osetrasturgeonits, this succulent caviar is also an aphrodisiac!
4. Iranian Sevruga, Caviar –$8,630
If you have been looking for the ultimate thing when it comes to caviars, this is it!Though expensive, you will be absolutely stunned by its whiff and flavor. With an exclusive texture this is a caviar you will come back to again and again. Itstang and smack make it completely worth the luxury. This elegant caviar is a must try.
5. Fresh Imported Sevruga Caviar – $8,320
This caviar is the smallest-sized sturgeon caviar and has a distinguishing flavor. Being a French caviar, it is supreme and a favorite amongst the glitzy socialites during high-class parties. It is blended with a unique and distinct taste and hence, Fresh imported Sevruga caviar had to make it to the list!
6. Classic Gray Sevruga Caviar – $3,812
Sevruga Caviar is found in relatively large numbers and hence the caviar of this fish is slightly inexpensive when compared to the above ones. This does not mean there is a decline in quality of the caviar, instead the caviar of Sevruga is known to have a more pronounced and likeable flavour with light green to greyish tint.
7. Iranian Imperial Wild Caviar – $3,027
Iranian Imperial Wild Caviar is known for grey to black coloured eggs bigger than the size of pearl. They are harvested from the Iranian Caspian Sea Beluga Sturgeon. Wild Caviar have a soft, nutty, creamy and buttery flavour that you will surely enjoy.
8. Russia Prima Osetra Caviar – $3,020
If you want to have a taste of authentic, elegant and classic caviar then Russia Prima Osetra Caviar is the best choice for you. It is one of the best options for caviar lovers and connoisseurs as well. You will be surprised that it goes away from your plate pretty fast.
9. Fresh Farmed Kaluga Caviar, Malossol – $2,880
Fresh Farmed Kaluga Caviar is reared in farms. However, its tasty is no less than the other Caviar found in the wild. The caviar is large grained and has a buttery taste with other flavours that you get to know after eating it. It is known for its mildness.
10. Beluga Caviar, Farmed, USA – $853.65
Beluga Caviar is grown by farm experts. You will love the buttery taste of this caviar. It can be eaten with bread and salt. You can enjoy its natural flavour and taste, its really delicious.
11. Hackleback Caviar-$446
Many love the taste of this Caviar as it is from the wild. Black caviar with a sheen of gold, it has a buttery and aromatic flavour with a very nutty taste. Smooth in appearance, this caviar is suited for beginners.
12. Royal Beluga Caviar - $427
Royal Beluga Caviar are grown in farms, they taste like the wild caviar and are liked by many. The caviar is pearlescent grey in colour and has a rich flavour and nutty taste.
13. Naccaril Caviar - $ 164
Farmed in Spain and Italy, this Caviar comes from the fish of the Mediterranean Sea. Adriatic or Italian Sturgeon is a rather new entry into the caviar market.
14. Reserve Beluga Caviar - $156
Reserve Black Caviar is light grey to black in appearance. The taste of this caviar is sweet and buttery with a mix of different flavours. You will love its appearance and taste too.
Caviars are royal, in the truest sense of the word. It is quite evident that you need to be a billionaire to afford this extravagance. But that doesn’t stop one from yearning for it anyway, does it? God loves Caviar, how rightly said! Yes, this is lust in its purest form!