Most Expensive African Art

Art as a business in most African countries is not considered a viable career option. Apart from South Africa and Egypt, art pieces from other African countries do not fetch a lot of money at international auctions.But in recent years contemporary African art carvings and paintings have started.
catching the eyes of big spenders. Although the continent is still small compared to otherregions, 2014 saw a record number of African art pieces sold at auctions around the world, with an estimated value of $31 million. Here are some of the most expensive African art pieces and painting ever sold.
1. New World Map Tapestry - Price : $ 850,544
One of the world’s foremost contemporary artists, El Anatsui’s work draws on African cultures and is particularly concerned with the erosion of inherited traditions by external forces. Bonhams achieved a world record for the Ghanaian artist, when a huge woven tapestry of flattened bottle caps, titled “ New World Map” was sold.
2. Self Portrait - Price : $ 178,676
Preeminent modernist painter Gerard Sekoto is recognized as the pioneer of Black South African art. The amount does not match other sale prices, but Sekoto is the best-performing Black South African artist in auction sales.
3. Reliquaire Nikundu - Price : $ 3.5 million
In 2012, a Jean Willy Mestach wooden African sculpture from the northwest Mbandaka region of the Democratic Republic of Congo was sold at the Christie’s auction house in Paris.
4. Les Chadouf’s - Price : $ 2 million
It is a painting by Mahmoud Said and serves as a powerful metaphor for an Egyptian Renaissance. Typically depicts the efforts of Villagers to co-ordinate by working together.
5. Retopistics A Renegade Excavation - Price : $ 4.6 million
6. Fang Mabea Statue - Price : $ 5.17 million
7. Fang Ngil Mask - Price : $ 1.9 million
8. Bahora Girl - Price : $ 1.8 million
9. Construction of the Suez Canal - Price : $ 1 million
10. The Teacher - Price : $ 3.3million
11. Senufo Female Statue - Price : $ 12 million
African Tribal Art is very sought after and it shows at the prices these beautiful artifacts have been bought for.