Self Confidence Activities

Believing in ourselves is the first secret to success. Being Confident is one of the best positive qualities of a human being. A person with higher Intelligent Quotient (I.Q), talent and knowledge, can achieve success only if he/she has the confidence to do so.
Great scientists like Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Alva Edison, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam have great achievements to their credit not only because of talent but also because of their confidence. Many people are lacking in self-confidence even though they are talented. This is the reason why they do not succeed in their lives. Confidence comes through knowledge. But success mainly depends on confidence.
“Success story gives us messages, but failure story teaches us lessons”. A person who faces failures without fear will find success. Once the mistakes done by us are completely analyzed, we develop the confidence to achieve success. Self-help books and professional counselling assist us in building our confidence level. Experience teaches us what to do, but confidence is the one which gives us the courage to take risks. Numerous books have been written to help us realize and implement actions, which help enhance our confidence levels:
1. Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
This book is a collection of 101 stories which reminds the readers that dreams come true only for those who can overcome obstacles with patience, persistence and belief in oneself.
2. The Courage to be Yourself by Sue Patton Thoele
This book is especially written for the sake of women who often satisfy the desires of others’ at the cost of their own needs. This book helps readers to transform fears into courage.
3. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
The author defines emotional intelligence in terms of self-awareness, altruism, personal motivation, empathy and the ability to love and be loved. And this is the strongest indicator of human success.
4. Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life by James Hollis
This book negates our thought of living a wrong life and presents opportunities to fulfill the expectations of our parents and also to find true self-knowledge.
5. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
In this book Dr. Brown shares ten guideposts on the power of whole-hearted living, which helps us to cultivate courage and compassion.
6. Talking to Yourself by Pamela Butler
The most popular statement by Swami Vivekananda is “Talk to Yourself Once in a day, Otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world”. Author Butler created a book based on the above statement, which helps the reader to identify distortions in thinking and shed the self-defeating images of the past.
7. Ten Days to Self-Esteem by David Burns
The author presents clear and innovative methods to help identify the cause of mood slumps and develop a more positive outlook on life.
8. What’s Right with me by Carlene DeRoo
The author engages the readers with the set of activities to identify what’s right in their lives. Through this we can learn to find strength and self-reliance.
9. Thoughts & Feelings by Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, Martha Davis
This book discuss about the use of principles and techniques of behavioral therapies to help control stress, depression and build self-esteem.
10. 10 Simple Solutions for Building Self-Esteem by Glenn R. Schiraldi
The author wrote about ten straight-forward options for creating self-esteem. We need to learn to value ourselves by implementing the methods given by the author. By this self-evaluation we can discover what an amazing and valuable person we actually are.
Along with being great and one of the most enjoyable books to read, the above set of books will definitely give you extensive knowledge about life, optimism, self esteem, happiness and confidence and teach you a new and better way to live.