Danger Zone: Seven Red Flags That You’re Actually Working for a Bad Company

Holding down a steady job can be really tough for anyone, and the stress that one can get from maintaining a demanding career could prove to be the undoing of even the most dedicated and hardworking individuals out there. In fact, there are plenty of cautionary tales out there from working professionals warning their peers to stay away from certain companies because they are not ideal places to work for. It’s easy to dismiss such stories at the start, but have you ever stopped to think that there might be a reason behind them?
When you think about it, people don’t just voice out their misgivings towards a certain business or company unless they have firsthand experience on what it’s really like to work for that particular establishment. The key thing that you need to remember here is that while no job is ever perfect, there is such a thing as working for a bad company, and this is something that you have to be aware of. If you truly value your dignity as a working professional, then you have to know whether you are working in a bad company or not.
Now comes the rather sensitive question you must face: how can you determine whether you are working in a really bad business? Although no two companies from various types of industries are ever alike, there are certain elements that tend to manifest in companies whose working conditions are deemed to be unbearable for the average employee. Once you know what these telltale aspects are, then you are free to pursue better opportunities ahead of you. Look to the details below for more information on this subject matter.
Overworked and underpaid
One of the most alarming signs that you’re working for a really bad business is if you are not properly compensated for the amount of work that you are doing. Being overworked—such as in the case of doing overtime—while also being severely underpaid is already bordering on violating labor codes, and you should not be suffering through this issue.
What’s worse is if you politely approach them to adjust your salary so that you’ll be duly paid for the workload that you’re doing but the company refuses to consider your request. You should never work for a company that undervalues your hard work, so take this as a signal that you should leave immediately and find another job that treats you better.
Power-hungry higher management
You’ve seen such people portrayed on films and television shows and you might think that the idea of a nightmare boss or manager is funny or outrageous. However, such people do exist in real life and are working in various companies everywhere. And if you happen to be under the supervision of such an individual, then consider yourself duly warned.
Typical signs of a power-hungry boss includes the habit of publicly humiliating subordinates whenever they make a mistake, giving out unrealistic demands, and negatively nitpicking on the outcome of a particular project even when the result is excellent from an objective perspective. Working for a bad boss means you’re working for a bad company overall.
Outdated workplace and infrastructure
Outside of poor compensation and an unsavory higher management, another major red flag that you should look out for is the infrastructure and facilities of the company you’re working for. If the place doesn’t just look outdated, but also uses equipment and technology that can’t even compare with other businesses, then you’re in big trouble.
It’s just simply unacceptable to be working for a company that doesn’t even invest in high-quality furnishings and office supplies, especially now that society is living in a digital age where convenience is necessary to ensure a smooth working environment. You should consider leaving if you know that the office isn’t giving you what you need to do your job.
Unusually high employee turnover rates
Whenever you are aware of the fact that a business has a lot of employees who were either terminated or voluntarily resigned, then that’s another warning sign that you should not ignore under any circumstances. Companies who keep dismissing people and hiring new ones to replace them doesn’t exactly inspire confidence from an outsider’s perspective.
In fact, a high turnover rate implies that a business has no idea how to retain employees and make them happy so that they’ll be encouraged—and not forced—to stay within the company. Businesses who think that people are dispensable is not a place where you should be working, so you need to get your priorities straight if your workplace has a reputation of employees resigning or getting fired.
Insufficient employee benefits
Sure, you may have a decent basic salary to keep you financially stable, but does your company happen to give you other perks or privileges such as vacation and sick days, performance bonuses, salary raises in the event of a job promotion, and—most importantly—a healthcare benefit program? If the answer to this question is a big resounding “no”, then you’re definitely working for a bad company.
These days, modern working professionals cannot live on just their basic salary alone. People need to be compensated in other ways in order to ensure that they want to stay working for a particular business in the long term. And if your employer can’t even give you healthcare benefits on top of your salary, then what is even the point of you staying there?
Toxic working environment
It can be hard to work in a place wherein you’re not only underappreciated for your hard work, but the people who happen to be your colleagues are not exactly pleasant to work with. Even if you try to mind your own business at work, these people are likely to get on your nerves due to the way they act and how they treat other people around them.
Whether you’re dealing with petty coworkers who hold grudges against you for minor slights or people who like to spread vicious rumors in the office and talk maliciously about others behind their backs, this is not the kind of people you should be associated with because they are significant factors that contribute to a really toxic working atmosphere.
Negative public image and reviews
Finally, the last nail on this coffin is when the customers themselves have very strong opinions against the business who is currently employing you. If people who aren’t directly working for your company have something bad to say, then it’s probably safe to assume that they have concrete reasons or proof as to why the business is not ideal to begin with.
With social media and the internet making things easier for people to voice out their opinions, it’s not exactly that hard for you to dive in and figure out why they have such bad blood against your company. If the negative reviews overwhelmingly outweigh the positive comments, then you should take heed of such a warning and leave while you still can.