The 2020 Presidential Election has already garnered hot steam with the Democrats. As many as 23 Presidential hopefuls are raising multiple issues plaguing the so-called great nation. Each of the Democratic Presidential candidates is showing immense leadership qualities to take on the Republicans’ illegal and fake President, who was assisted by Russia to win the 2016 Presidential election.
America under the current President has become lawless and the administration of liars in front of the whole world. Republican Senators and House Representatives have not only become shameless with their acts of breaking the ‘Law of the Land’ and not following the Constitution, but also have sold their souls to the alleged felon President. The Senate, the Justice Department, the Finance Department and others have become Trump’s personal co-conspirators rather than following the American Constitution to serve the American citizens.
The President is breaking the ‘Law of the Land’ blatantly by blocking every move of the Democrats, who are investigating him for ‘Obstruction of Justice’ and ‘Russian Conspiracy’ to win the 2016 election. It is really surprising to see the Leader of the House Nancy Pelosi not going ahead with the impeachment proceedings of the President, in spite of the Mueller Report’s findings all the acts of defiance. It is here, the toughest contender among the Democratic Presidential hopefuls, Elizabeth Warren has raised the issue that – ‘no President is above the law’.
Senator Elizabeth Warren was the first Presidential candidate, who vociferously condemned the President and insisted that Trump should be impeached on her election campaign. In recent times, her lone voice of ‘Impeaching the President’ has resonated among the Democrats’ caucus and the numbers for impeachment is increasing every single day. As on 6th of June 2019, as many as 57 Democrats wants the party to start impeachment proceedings immediately.
Elizabeth Warren’s popularity among voters is increasing with each passing day for her effective leadership qualities. She has pitched a new battle by her latest proposal to make sure that no President is above the law. Her plan has increased great confidence among voters, who see Warren as a great leader believing in action rather than just mere words.
Recently, Elizabeth Warren calls on the Congress to clarify in Law that the Justice Department can indict a sitting President and he or she can be indicted on the charge of obstruction of justice. Warren also calls for a United States code amendment to explicitly allow for indicting the President, if he or she abuses the powers of the office to obstruct justice. Elizabeth Warren has pitched an effective plan to make sure that no President is above the law.
Elizabeth Warren’s popularity has further increased after her proposal to make every future President accountable for abusing the power of the Presidential office. She stated, “"If Donald Trump was anyone other than the President of the United States, he would be in handcuffs and indicted. Robert Mueller said as much in his report, and he said it again on Wednesday.”
Elizabeth Warren elucidated in an interview, “When I made this decision to run for the President, it wasn't going to be about impeachment. It was going to be about plans, what's broken and how to fix it. And then, the Mueller report came out.”
She argues that impeachment should not be the only path to remove a corrupt President, because it calls for the passage of the laws. It will not be of much help to remove Trump from the office. However, Warren’s proposal would make it feasible to indict all the future Presidents, beginning with her, if Elizabeth Warren is elected the next President.
Elizabeth Warren has put the American Constitution and the ‘Law of the Land’ first before her own self interest. This is what separates and keeps her ahead from the crowded pack of the Democratic 2020 Presidential candidates. It is interesting to note that in the American Constitution, nowhere it is written that a sitting President cannot be indicted.
Elizabeth Warren’s proposed law would require the Congress to step into the lane of courts with a law that would in effect interpret the law. Theoretically, this would take away the President’s protection. During her election campaign, Elizabeth Warren pledged to appoint an Attorney General, who would protect the ‘Rule of the Law’. She goes on to state that an Assistant Attorney General in-charge of the OLC would be appointed to reverse the opinions protecting the President.
She stated, “No matter what he may think, Donald Trump is not a King. No President is. And our democracy only works, if everyone can be held accountable.” This effective stance of Warren has increased voters’ trust in her ability to lead the country to a better future. The battle for the 2020 Presidential Election is still at the nascent stage. However, Warren has been consistently rising with her effective policies and leadership.
Early in her campaign, Elizabeth Warren had stated, “I am determined that we build an America, where not only the children of rich people get a chance to build something, but also where all of our children get a chance to build a real future. That's what I am in this fight for.” In the year 2018, the Senator from Massachusetts was one of the first Democrats, who had announced that she would be running for the 2020 Presidential Election.
The Tough Contender:
Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential bid has a solid platform with her political career hallmark of ‘Economic Injustice’. It is one of the main reasons, why Warren has gained immense grounds among the women candidates. Her proposed economic program would see an investment of $2 trillion in climate-friendly industries over a decade, manipulate the American dollars to promote exports and create a new cabinet-level Department of Economic Development for aggressive intervention on behalf of American workers.
Elizabeth Warren strongly believes in ‘Economic Patriotism’ for the benefits of the nation, citizen, workers and above all American companies. She has bold plans for trade and Wall Street regulations. Warren has certainly stood out for her bold approach with effective policies to benefit one and all. She is intelligent to keep all the parties happy with her straight approach.
The 2020 Presidential Election has become a tough battleground for the 23 Democratic candidates. However, Elizabeth Warren exuberance is very infectious for the voters to look elsewhere. When she takes on the stage, people’s attentions are glued to her firmness, her childlike innocence and her steely grit to take on the Republicans.
Elizabeth Warren is focused to increase domestic jobs by reviving American economy through investment in climate change. She asserts that every American needs to fight the climate crisis for a better future. She intends to help achieve the ambitious targets of the ‘Green New Deal’. Warren insisted, “The climate crisis demands immediate and bold action. Like we have before, we should bank on American ingenuity and American workers to lead the global effort to face down this threat and create more than a million good jobs here at home.”
Elizabeth Warren as the would-be President would make government contracts’ criteria more stringent. Federal contractors will be required to offer a $15 an hour minimum wage with 12 weeks of paid parental leave. Her approach has attracted the left-wing activists with great enthusiasm. Warren makes no bones about criticizing the previous administration of Republicans and Democrats, who put Corporations’ interest above American citizen. She wrote in one of her posts, “We should put all of these offices and programs in the same place to make it clear that the unified mission of the federal government is to promote sustainable, middle-class American jobs.”
Political Career:
Elizabeth Warren has held various significant positions successfully during her long political career. She held the position of the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel from the 25th of November 2008 to the 15th of November 2010. In the Obama administration, Elizabeth Warren served as the Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from the 17th of September 2010 to the 1st of August 2011.
From the year 2013, Elizabeth Warren has been serving as the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts. She happens to be a prominent scholar specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren as a progressive individual has focused on consumer protection, economic opportunity and the social safety net, while working in the Senate. On the 3rd of January 2017, Elizabeth Warren assumed office of the Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus Incumbent under Chuck Schumer.
Personal Life:
Elizabeth Ann Herring was born on the 22nd of June 1949 in Oklahoma City, USA. She married Jim Warren in the year 1968. They were blessed with two children, Amelia and Alexander. After 10 years of togetherness, they were divorced in 1978. In spite of her divorce, Elizabeth Warren has maintained to keep her first husband’s surname. Two years later, Elizabeth Warren married for the second time to Law Professor Bruce H Mann in 1980.
- Full Name :
- Elizabeth Ann Warren
- Zodiac Sign :
- Cancer
- Birth Place :
- Oklahoma City
- Occupation :
- Politician
- Industry :
- Politics