5 Things That Bosses Consider When Handing Out Promotions

In every organization, people at the top decide whether if an employee deserves a promotion or not. But there are numerous factors that chief executive officers, managing directors, supervisors, or managers have to consider when it comes to giving out promotions. And with companies operating in different types of industries, promotion decisions are easier said than done. Here are the five things that bosses consider when handing out promotions:
1. High performers
High performers are always on track of a job promotion no matter what the industry they’re in. These individuals work fast and regularly beat targets, oftentimes performing even better than what the target requires. Additionally, they are also on track to hold higher positions if they chose to stay in the company. Most CEOs today have actually started as standout employees, slowly achieving career advancement on the way to climbing the top of the corporate ladder.
Giving promotions to high performers is a no brainer for most bosses. They impact the company significantly with their productivity and most probably do what 80% of the workforce cannot. But there are also times where high performers aren’t the full package when it comes to skills and competencies. They may be technically gifted but they may also not be the most sociable people around. It also works the other way around which will be discussed further below.
2. High potentials
Compared to high performers, high potentials are given promotions based mainly on their “potential”. These individuals have only started building a career both (being employed with the company for a few years or even a few months), but already considered for a major employee promotion. They are promoted because of what they can offer to the company in the future, not necessarily in the current setting. Another reason company executives give promotions to high potentials is they want to lock these individuals long-term so that rival companies won’t try to hire them down the road.
Unlike high performers where productivity is already a guarantee, there is a big question mark when it comes to high potentials. Whether it be new hires immediately given management roles or less tenured employees given priority over more experienced ones, there is always risk involved when it comes to handing out promotions based on potential. Not everyone handles pressure the same way and some may even fold due to the expectations that come with it. But if faith in a young or less experienced employee manages to pay off, it can massively benefit in the company in the long run.
3. Relationship builders
Relationship builders may not necessarily be high performers or high potentials but they have a specific skill set that makes them a candidate for promotion: they are excellent in building in relationships with people not just in the company but also with customers and other stakeholders. These individuals are also experts in making sure the company retains a positive image, oftentimes acting as a company’s representative or spokesperson during seminars, workshops, and social events among others.
Since relationship builders represent the company, they mostly have close working partnerships with management. This results in possible promotions even if they aren’t the most technically skilled individuals. With some companies relying on positive PR and brand promotion (e.g. social media, television/radio marketing, print advertising, etc.) to attract customers and grow their brands, it isn’t surprising that they promote workers who are excellent at this type of job.
4. Motivational speakers
Motivational speakers are similar to relationship builders in the sense that they seemingly possess a constant positive attitude and can turn any negative situation into something favorable with minimal effort. But compared to relationship builders, motivational speakers focus their efforts within the company. Essentially, they motivate everyone within the organization to perform at their best. They are also role models and are trusted by both rank and file employees and company executives.
With this, motivational speakers are always top candidates for a promotion. They can rally even the most disengaged of employees, making these employees perform better than they usually do. They also aren’t afraid to take initiative when higher ups aren’t able to do the motivation themselves. Similar to relationship builders, motivational speakers rely on their excellent communication skills to excel on the job. But it doesn’t mean that they poor in doing actual tasks as they didn’t get the job in the first place just by being a good conversationalist.
5. Technically skilled employees
A technically skilled employee has an equal chance of getting promoted compared to a good conversationalist. And depending on the industry, employees with outstanding technical skills have a better shot at a promotion compared to relationship builders and motivational speakers. These employees know the ins and outs of their company’s products and services. Oftentimes, management will rely on the technical know how of these employees to decide on what products to invest in next.
Information technology is the often the industry where technically skilled employees get promoted faster. But it’s not just the smartest person who gets considered for a higher position but also a person who works well with colleagues and external clients. Even if these employees don’t get promoted in their own companies, rival companies won’t hesitate offering a new job and a bigger pay.
In closing
Bosses have their work cut out for them when it comes to promoting the most deserving employees. At the end of the day, their decision will base on career growth for the most deserving employees and how the promotion will affect stakeholders in the long run.