Push Until Something Happens

American former competition swimmer and Olympic champion from 1992, Sammer Sanders once said,
“At the end of a marathon, it's going to hurt whether you're speeding up or slowing down. You may as well push”.
This principle may be applied for achieving success as well, i.e., pushing our way to success until something happens and achieving our wildest dreams.
1. Challenging Your latent Strength
When life is kind and beautiful, everything seems right. It is so easy to be positive. But what about those days when you're down and out, when you are faced with failure, or lost a loved one? You find yourself losing control and quitting in the face of these problems.
This is simply because, as soon as you feel the pain, you stop challenging ourselves. You stop believing in yourself, and stop trying. I believe that positive thoughts can help you push better through life.
There are always two sides to a coin. You may choose to view the same situation in two different ways - negatively or positively. You need to stop seeing the problems and disadvantages, and focus on the opportunities and benefits. This will distinguish a positive push from a negative one.
2. Change as the Situation Demands
How to Face With Change in Your Life
You may find yourself in a particular situation that you need to tackle. Adjustments and compromises are a part of life, and only help us live better. Learn to let go of old and prevailing habits, develop a new approach if need be, and do things differently.
Be patient. It will only make the journey easy! Push towards your goals at the right time. Each one of us has the inner strength to fulfil our dreams. When you finally attain your goal, the agony of the journey would be a long forgotten nightmare.
3. Choose the Right Company
How People Affect Your Success
Everything needs careful preparation! Associating with positive people will help you remain positive and hopeful. You need to stay away from those who demoralise you. You must also develop good reading habits. The crux of this is, remain motivated, believe in your capabilities and never give up on your dreams.
It is unfortunate that most us toil and show perseverance through all our hardships. But when one last powerful push is needed, we give up. We allow ourselves to be defeated, just when we are about to reap the fruits of our labour! If you want to be successful, then you must keep going on; push until something happens, and success will be yours.